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3rd person POV

Before anyone could process anything, Izuku was being taken away by the heros and his kids were being taken in an ambulance in which they were accompanied by Katsuki and Shoto.

Eijiro on the other hand was with Izuku the whole ride to the city. Where Izuku lived was quite far. He did that to be as far away from civilization as possible.

When they arrived, Izuku saw some faces he knew. He hated being back. They may not know but he knew that they had a particular hate for him. Even if he was their friend, he knew there was something they all hated in him. He just never figured it out.

He was placed in a interrogation room and left there for about 15 minutes before someone finally came to him.

"DEKU!?!?! OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN YOU. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Ochako squealed in excitement. That reminded him of Himiko alot and he hated it.
She hurried over to hug him but before she could Izuku deadpanted
"Don't touch me"

"B-but it's been so long since I've seen you. I really really REALLY missed you in those eight years. Where were you and why is your usual glow gone? And why do they have you in here? Shouldn't you be in like a hospital or something? You were missing so they should check up on you. Also how-" she rambled

"Can you shut the fuck up?! It's not that hard to just not talk you know" Izuku was quite annoyed by her rambling. I guess that's how annoying I was huh, he thought to himself.

"Uravity if you wouldn't mind, we have to get on with his questioning now. So please leave" Hero #1 stated (I'm too lazy just pick whoever you want just no one from Class 1A)
"Uh sure. I'll be back" and then she left.

After they took out all their files, Hero #1 started, "So, mind telling us why you would attempt to kill your own children?"
They just jumped to the point immediately.
"I didn't try to kill them! Someone else did!" He shouted
"And who is this someone"
"It's was that fucking Eijiro"
"1: No cursing. 2: Are you talking about Red Riot?"
"Yes I am. He attempted to kill them. He beat my twins and almost shot my baby." He knew it would sound ridiculous to the hero since Eijiro was a hero so why would he do anything like that?

"So what you are trying to say is that number 3 hero, Red Riot aka Eijiro Kirishima, attempted to kill your children"
"Yes" he said leaning back on his chair, crossing his arms. Then it clicked. "I ALSO HAVE PROOF!"
"Hey hey no shouting" Hero #1 demanded
"Sorry but I can give you proof if you want."
"And how do you expect to do that?"

"Well........ I need a laptop"
"I want to give to my proof I did nothing to hurt my kids and I never will so if I can get a laptop to prove myself innocent. You can bring a while ass army to look at me doing it too. I'm not going to do anything stupid. Im just going to get the security cameras in my house."

The hero glared at Izuku just a few seconds before getting up and walking out the room. About 5 minutes later, he walked back in with six more heros and a laptop. He handed it to Izuku who took it and started getting what he needed. He did some things that even the heros didn't know they could do on a laptop.

After ten minutes of waiting, Izuku finally pulled up the camera system in his house. (Dont ask just imagine you can do that in real life) This was his first time actually seeing what Eijrio did to his kids and he hated it. He beat them with a stick, burned them. His is the person he had been with for the past 3 years. What a sicko!

He stopped the video as he couldn't watch anymore and he also didn't want them to see his relationship with Eijiro. 
"Now do you believe me?" He muttered out, still in shock because of how much pain is children had gone through while he was with Shoto and Katsuki all happy.

The heros were all in shock of what they just saw. And as they thought things couldn't get worse, a particular red head walked in the room.

Oh he was dead

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