What did you do?

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Izuku's POV

I guess it's not just me who wants Kacchan and Shoto-kun in my life again. I don't know why I'm this nervous though. Maybe it's because I taught them to hate their fathers. I feel bad now. Hating them for no reason.

I am currently driving to go pick up Kacchan and Shoto-kun. I left the kids home with one of the maids. I wasn't going to take long anyways.

I walked in the room and saw Shoto changing in some clothes I left for them. Kacchan was walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and drying his hair with another.

"Oh Good Morning Izu" Shoto said after seeing me walk in
"Morning Shoto-kun and Kacchan" I replied
"What are you doing there so early" Kacchan asked, putting on some underwear.
"Uh so the umm kids want to like...... see you guys" I stuttered.

They both immediately stopped what they were doing. They looked up at me with shock and excitement in their eyes.

"T-they want to see u-us?" Kacchan stuttered out.
"Yeah" I replied. I figured it would be best if I let them meet the kids as soon as possible because they have already been away from them for eight years.

They both rushed to put on their clothes and in less than five minutes, they were ready.
"What are you waiting for Izu? Let's go!" Woah Kacchan is really excited.
"Ok let's go" I giggled out.

I drove them back home but when I got there, something seemed off. I quickly walked inside the house because I knew something was up. I barged though the door to meet......... nothing.

None of my children came running up to me screaming 'Mommy' even if I was gone for a short length of time. Instead, I saw the same maid I left them with on the end of the stairs, bleeding, struggling to get up.

I ran up to her and quickly assisted her.
"What happened here? Where is Izumi and Katsumi?" Questions were just rushing out my mouth.
As I walked her to the downstairs bathroom to help her get cleaned up, she stuttered out in....... fear?

"H-he told me t-to tell you t-to g-go u-up to y-your r-room"
"Who?" I questioned, genuinely getting worried.
"I-I ca-can't tell y-you. H-he'll k-kill m-me"
Kacchan and Shoto were both standing at the bathroom door as I ran the water for her to take a bath.

"Watch this water. Make sure she's ok" I instructed them
"Sure" they replied in unison.

I  quickly but cautiously walked up the spiral staircase. I walked up my room, slightly hesitating to open the door. But when I did, I wish I had gotten here sonner.

I saw Izumi and her twin brother on the floor, bleeding and unconscious. While they were on the floor losing their lives, Eijiro was on my bed, cradling Hika.

"W-what did you do" I breathed out

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