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Hey guys sorry I didn't update, I ran out of ideas and now I'm back😌
How tall enjoy this part.

Todoroki's POV

I just confessed to Midoriya. What if he thinks I'm crazy or weird. I mean he just said he liked Bakugou and kissed him. Why did I do that. Ugh so dumb.
"S-Shoto" Midoriya softly spoke under his breathe "You know I k-kinda like y-you too"

Deku's POV

I the  glimpsed Kacchan and he....... didn't scream or yell he just sat there.

"Tch I can't take this anymore. I like you both ok. There that's it. I wanna be with you both and I love you."
I was shocked.
"K-Kacchan d-do you really feel that way?"
"Yeah Bakugou do you"
"Listen Icyhot can you just please call me Katsuki"
Todoroki blushes a little "S-sure"
It was SOOOOOOOO cute!!

"Uh Mido- wait no Izuku you want to sit? Your umm feet look like their struggling"
"Oh right yeah I d-"
And then Kacchan pulled me to sit on his lap. I mean I like it I'm not complaining. He rest his head on my shoulder and then Shoto laid his head on my other shoulder.

"I love you Deku" and mumbled before slightly falling asleep.
"I love you too Kacchan. You too Shoto."

I turned to him and he was also now sleeping. I smiled, stood up and let them on my bed.

I went downstairs to get something from the fridge. I looked at the time amd it was 10:23pm. Woah when did it get so late. Wait d-did I just see a shadow through the window?!? I'm probably just sleepy.

I started walking upstairs and then I felt someone cover my mouth with some kind of cloth. Next thing I knew I was unconscious.

Bakugou's POV

I woke up some time after and saw Icyhot sleeping peacefully. He looked so cute. Then I noticed Deku wasn't there. Maybe he went downstairs.

Whilst walking downstairs, I felt some kind of liquid in the floor. I put on the light and there was a bottle at the bottom of the stairs and milk spilled everywhere. WHAT THE HELL?!?
"Deku you down here? Deku? DEKU!"
There was no response. Oh shit!

I ran back upstairs "ICYHOT GET THE FUCK UP!! DEKU'S GONE"

Todoroki's POV

I jumped out of the bed within seconds of hearing that. "What do you mean gone?"

I look at his table amd his phone was still there. It was on a piece of paper.

The letter

This is to the blonde boy and dual haired one. We have Izuku and you're not getting him back until you pay us. Come to the park in the South of town to the abandoned house and bring $100k for us and you'll get him back. You have 1 week or say bye bye to Mr. Green hair.



Ok that's all for today🙃 Bye💖

Love being with you~TodobakudekuWhere stories live. Discover now