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Shoto's POV

It's been almost two weeks since Izumi and Katsumi have been in the hospital and neither of them awoke yet. I have to admit, I am worried. Kat and I stayed with them as long as we could. We took turns staying with them.

Today we were both there to watch them. Kat and I were sitting next to each other, holding hands while he held Hika in his next. I was laying my head on his shoulder. Sleepiness came over me a little and as I was about to close my eyes and fall into a slumber, he room doors flew open.

I bolted up in surprise just to see Izuku standing there with a look of pure sadness.
"Izuku?" I muttered out, walking towards him.
He closed the door and as soon as it was shut, he burst into tears. I quickly hugged him, trying to give him reassurance but it clearly wasn't working.

Izuku's POV

While I was awaiting Eijiro's arrest, I requested I see my children. I got some normal clothes to put on and one of the heroes went with me.  When I got there, the doctors explained their conditions to me. I was mortified. The hero let me go in the room on my own.

I noticed Katsuki and Shoto was here but I didn't bother acknowledging them. I just cried as Shoto held me in his arms.

After about maybe 20 minutes, I sorta calmed down though I was still sniffling.
"So what are you two doing here?" I muttered out, finally paying attention to them.
"We've been staying with them for the past two week" Katsuki answered. Only now did I notice he was holding Hika as she slept.

"Really? Thanks guys" I was really glad that they would not go bad to their hero work just to look after that children. I took Hika from Kacchan although he looked really cute holding her.

Then there was a knock on the door. One of the nurses came in
"Mr. Midoriya someone is here to see you."
I was kind of confused as to who would come to the hospital to see me but I went anyway. I handed Hika back to Kacchan and walked out the room.

Before I could even make 5 steps, I heard a loud squeal, "Hi Izuku! It's been so long since we've been able to talk to each other. I missed you so much. A whole eight years you've been missing"
"How did you know I was here?" Was all I had to asked
"Oh well I thought that I'd see you at the place you where staying, under hero supervision but they said you were at the hospital today. They also gave me the room number. But the doctors said that I couldn't just enter that room so." This can't be happening.

"Well hi you see me now. Yay? Now leave" I turned my back to walked back in the room but she grabbed my arm.
"Izuku wait... um I want to tell you something. Well and I have a question.
"What" I asked, really annoyed.

"Well, you know, since we were at UA, I always knew you had something in you and I always felt this kind of way when I'm around you that I could never describe. But when you went missing, I was devastated. And only then did I know that I made the wrong choice in not coming clean to you. So right now, while I have the chance to finally tell you. Izuku, I, Ochako am in love with you"

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