A little surprise

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3rd person POV

Shoto and Katsuki starred in disbelief. Izuku Midoriya had become a villian yet he's dating a hero, Eijiro Kirishima. None of this made sense. How was that possible? And Eijiro was holding a baby. The baby looked like a girl. She was wearing a pink onesie. Her hair was red with some prices of green here and there.

"I know you two have a lot of questions. You each have the opportunity to ask three questions max" Izuku offer, breaking the silence.

"I thought you were a hero Eijiro. You knew where Izuku was all this time! How could you keep that from us!? You know we've been searching for so long!!" Katsuki yelled, obviously mad at the red head.

"Well, I knew where he was located for a while now, I just never told you" Eijiro calmly answered, cradling the baby in his arms.

"But if you knew he was a villian, why are you saying him? Are you the reason the villinans always knew where we were?" Shoto asked realizing he just wasted 2 questions.

"Yes, I know he's a villain and I don't care. And also yes, I am the reason the villians always know where you are." The red head answered.

"Who's baby is that?" Katsuki unexpectedly asked.
"Ours" Izuku answered hugging Eijiro's waist.

"Mummy can we hold Hika now please?" Katzumi begged.
Izuku sighed "Just wait a few minutes. You know what, go outside to Aunty Toga and play with her for a little"

They left the room an the smile Izuku had on his face immediately disappeared. He let go of Eijiro and walked up to Shoto.

"You've been awfully quiet. What's the matter?" He asked face pouting.
"You wanna know what's the problem? You! We had to lose love just to save you and our children! We lost everything! When we finally see you, you're a fucking villian, you're dating one of our friends, have a child with him and you have our kids thinking that being a villian is ok!" He shouted, tears rolling down his face. "I missed you so much. Not one day went by I didn't think about you. The things they made me say to you, it broke me."

Izuku blankly stared at him.

"Do you remember that time when I was forced to either tell them info about the heros or you two die?" Me asked.

Shoto and Katsuki looked at him.
"Well I really wish I could have seen the future, then I wouldn't have said shit. You really think lying will get you anywhere. Well no it won't."

Eijiro walked out of the room and Izuku followed him and told Shoto and Katsuki before he left, "Just shut up and behave or you'll regret it" And with that the door closed

~1 week later~

Shoto and Katsuki were still imprisoned and had no way out. Izuku was done with working in his office for that day, so he stopped work early. His actual house was 5 minutes away from where he worked and had his two ex boyfriends.

He parked his car and walked into the house and heard faint music coming from his room.

He walked up the stair case and checked the first room with Izumi and Katsumi. They were sound asleep with their baby sister in her crib. They had to literally beg to share a room cause Izuku one, wanted to be close to the baby and the house was big so there was room. But they wanted to share so ok.

He walked to his room, at the end of the hallway. The music got louder as he walked towards his door. He began to hear it more clearly. It was a romantic type music. Izuku thought maybe he came him while his boyfriend was preparing something for him.

But he was so wrong.......

He just opened the door and to his horror he saw......

He saw his boyfriend and his closest friend......

Making out on his bed.........

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