I feel.... unwanted

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Hi guys👋 I was going to write this last night but my sister's made me watch a eating video -_- and I feel asleep so here's part 7 now🙂 Enjoy

Bakugou's POV

I was completely dumbfounded. I searched through the album for anymore letters and I found one more

Dear my wonderful mother,

Have you ever been to dad's cabin? It's in the middle of the woods. I only know cause I followed him one day after he told me he was going somewhere and said I couldn't come too. I was bored that day that's why. He was with four of his friends and I secretly followed them. I wonder why I cant go?
But that was Saturday. It's now Thurday and I can't go to school today. Why? Cause well dad raped me last week and I have to go to the hospital. I umm have to get an abortion. Yup dad got for me pregnant. I have to do this before he finds out. I haven't told him about my unusual quirk yet.
Other than that I hope you're doing great.
Bye mom

Your son, Izuku.

WHAT?!? This all to crazy. No he's not at the park. It's a distraction. I have to tell Shoto, Mr. Aizawa and All Might.

I rushed back to the school as fast as I could. By now it's a little after lunch. When I got there I went straight to the classroom.
"Bakugou? What are you doing here? I thought you went home?"
"We need to talk now?"
"But I'm just starting back teaching-"
"It's about Izuku. I have to tell you now. Shoto you come to."

Both of them immediately got up and followed me. We went to the teachers lounge where All Might was.
"Oh Young Bakugou I thought you left?"
"I did but I have some information."
"Ok then Bakugou what is it?"
"There not going to have Izuku at the park."
"Katsuki what do you mean?"
"Ok I went through all Izuku's notes when I got back to his house and I got some things. One his dad is behind all this not the LOV. Second there not going to give him to us cause his dad is worst than we think. They're going to take the money and not give us our part of the deal. Third I know where he is. And I also know how to get to him."
"Woah woah Young Bakugou slow down. Where do we go to find Going Midoriya."
"It's a cabin in the middle of the woods. But the problem is his dad doesn't care about him. He can and most likely will hurt Izuku. We have to get there as fast as we can. The longer we wait the less chances we have of getting Izuku back here alive."
"And you got all this from his notes?"
"Well not his usual ones in the notebooks. Its special ones he wrote to his mom."
"Oh ok. Well Mr. Aizawa and All Might can you talk to the principal, ask him to end school early so we can go find Izuku? Please"
"We surely will Young Todoroki."

Izuku' s POV

I've been here for about I think 13 hours now. I can barely stay awake at this point. Every 2 hours, yes I counted the hours, the tall guy with these purplish scars all over him, is coming in the room I was held and burns me. At this point I have burns all over me and my dad doesn't even care.
A blonde girl with two messy buns just walked in the room.
"Hii" she squealed
Then my dad walked in
"Izuku meet Toga. So thanks to her you'll be spared from the burns now. But she wants you. Now you are really lucky cause usually she would use people to kill them. But she wants to be with you. So we will get you two a home once we get our money. At least now I don't have to deal with you. I'll leave you two."
"Hi Izuku. So I'm going to untie you now and treat your wounds. I am not usually this kind to people but I kind of like you so I'm going to spear you. So can I get you anything to eat?"
"Can I just have a phone please?"
"Why do you need that.?"
"I want to call-"
"Well sorry you can't call anyone. Well you can if you're saying dating someone. Call them and say you want to break up"
"Yup you're mine now and if you try to leave me I'll kill you."
And she gave me a huge smile.
"Are you dating anyone?"
"N-no I'm not"
"Ok! Well I'll get you something to eat now and then I'll sort out your wounds ok"
"Okie" she squealed again and then walked out the room and locked the door. She'll kill me?!? Wait did my dad just give me away? Ugh why my life! I tried to stand and failed miserably. Stupid burns. Well at least Toga is gonna treat them for me. *sigh*
I miss Kacchan and Shoto. I wonder what they're doing now. Probably being happy with each other. I mean they don't need me. They like each other too so I'm not that important. *starts crying* I need them though. I need them with me. I love being with them. They are the only reasons I had the motivation to go to school on some days. They are the reason why I also want to be a hero. (In this, although Bakugou was still a little mean to Izuku, he still actually supported him into being a hero) They are the people I want to be with me forever. But they're probably happier without me. No one to annoy them. No one to lie to them. No one to worry about. No one to have to deal with an abusive dad. NO ONE! Who was I to think that anyone would love me for me. I'm so stupid. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!

"H-huh w-what happened?"
"Why are you crying and continuously mumbling 'no one'? Are you ok?"
"Oh uh *sniffle* Yea yea I'm fine just need some fresh air that's all."
"Oh sorry but you can go outside yet. Your dad instructed that. But I can show you my room. Just don't make about noise."
"Umm about that I can't walk.
"Oh right. Let me fix that."

She seemed....... like she was being forced to do this? Why does she give of those vibes.

After she trrated my wounds and I ate, she took me to her room.

That's part 7. I'm going to actually post a part tonight. But I wanna go play first🙂. Hope you enjoyed. BYE👋

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