Family again

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Izuku's POV

After talking to Kacchan and Shoto-kun, I headed home with my children.
"Mommy?" Izumi asked as she sat in the backseat of my car with her brother.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"Why did you kill Aunty Himiko?"
I sighed "I was important. We'll talk about it when we get home" I honestly don't know how to explain everything to them.

When we got home, I put Hika back to sleep and then when to my room where I told Izumi and Katsumi to wait for me. I sat on my bed with them and took a deep breathe.

"So you know how I've told you two that your dad's left before you guys could meet them" I started getting straight to the point.
"Mhm" they answered in unison.
"Well you see (Dhar Mann😅👌) they never really...... meant it I guess." If I were listening to someone saying this I would feel they were crazy.

"What do you mean? I thought you said they left us" Katsumi asked, really confused.
"Well what actually happened was, Aunty Himiko forced them to leave me. When I was younger, she really liked me and she had them leave me just so she can have me for herself." I tried explaining, I hopes they'll understand.

"Sooooooo the reason our dads where never around was because..... Aunty Himiko forced them to?" Izumi questioned, tilting her head slightly.
"Yup." I answered
"And what about Daddy? Why was he tied up too?" She continued to question

"Well that was basically Aunty Himiko's fault too but he also played a part in that so he is no longer your dad. I'm really sorry that you two have to continuously be without a father. I never knew why but now I know it's Himiko's fault. So I'm hoping that now, when you guys get a father, he'll be able to stay" I tried to reason with them.

"Well.........." Katsumi opened his mouth to say something but then stopped
"What do you want to say?" I questioned, hoping he'll say what he was about to.
"Well c-can we talk to our real dads? M-maybe they c-can be with us again?" He stuttered out
I smiled "Of course you can try. I'm sure they won't mind talking to you guys"

Maybe just maybe, we can be family again

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