Unknown quirk

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Hi I'm back with part six. I'm kinda running out of ideas

Deku's POV

I fluttered my eyes open but all I could see was darkness. Then a really dim light was turned on behind me.
"Look who's finally awake"
I saw I tall figure walk in front of me.
"Wait what! H-how?"
"Oh Izuku you really thought you could get rid of me"
"B-but i-it wasn't my fault. Th-they found you"
"Awww so sad but now you're in way more trouble little boy"
"W-what do you mean"

I tried not to look too scared but how was I supposed to? My dad was suppose to be in prison. How did he escape??  Just then another guy walked up to me. He had a little blue flame coming from his hand.

"Burn him"
He laughed with the most evil in his voice. H-he burned my face and my dad didn't care. I C ouldnt do anything cause my arms amd legs were tied to the chair I was on.

"So sad. Where are those little 'pretty' boys now huh? Who's gonna save you now. No one's here. You're all on your own Izuku."

All I could do was cry. Why me? Why not anyone else in this world?

The next day

Katsuki' s POV

I couldnt sleep last night. I stayed up all night yelling and screaming. Shoto tried to calm call me down but it barely worked. I walked to school furious.
"Katsuki it'll be ok. All we have to do is talk to Mr. Aizawa and All Might. They'll know what to do."
"I know I'm just worried ok"
"I am too Katsuki but we'll find him. I promise."

Time skip to school

We went to the teachers lounge as soon as we got to school. Only Mr. Aizawa and All Might were there. Good.
"Good morning Mr. Aizawa and All Might we have a problem."
"What might that be Young Todoroki"
"Bakugou calm down. How do you know that."
"They left a note."
And Shoto handed him the note.


Todoroki's POV

Is Katsuki crying? I tried to stay as calm as I could but I was dying inside. If I show emotion then Katsuki will get more worried and I can't afford that.

"Well boys you don't worry. The school will help with the money and we'll get back Young Midoriya.
"Actually All Might... W-we wanted to go ourselves. I mean Izuku is our friend and it's partially our fault since we were at his house yesterday and we didn't even notice."
"Ok no problem Young Todoroki but we'll have to keep in contact in case of any problem."
"Yes thank you so much Mr. Aizawa and All Might."
"Ok ok for now get to class"
"Yes Mr. Aizawa."

Katsuki and I walk to class and as I was about to walk in, he pulled my hand to on of the empty classrooms and locked the door.
"W-what are you doing?"
"I can't take this. If I go to class I'll feel horrible"

I sighed.
"Here's what you go home and I'll tell Mr. Aizawa. You need some rest."
"Ok whatever. See you later"
And he left.

Bakugou's POV

I know the LOV isn't behind this. They would'nt just put Izuku up for a price like that. They'll just torture him and either kill him or give him back I a horrible state. I just don't know who it could be.

I when back to Izuku's place and read through all his notes. Woah this boy really doesn't play around. Then I came across this one book. Well it was more of like an album. I looked through it. I was all sorts of picture of him and his mom. Some with his dad. Around the end of the album there was a note.

To my wonderful mom,

I miss you alot. I wish you never left. Now that you're gone dad is really mean and won't give me a break. He even said he wanted to sell me off. He doesn't care. He doesn't take care of me, is always out late, makes fun of me near his friends and he started raping me. I really need you mom. I can't take it anymore. It's getting hard for me to go to school.
I have good news through. Well a little. I found out I have a weird quirk. The doctor told me it was rare. That I, a boy....... can get pregnant



That's part 6🙃 hope you like it. I'll try to post another part tonight. Okie bye💖

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