We graduated!!!

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Helllllooooo besties. Sorry I haven't been updating, I just ran out of ideas for the story so yea. Let's get right into it!

Izuku's POV

I finally convinced them to let me have an abortion. Well cause I'm only 16, I'm still in school and they get that I feel uncomfortable carrying my child and also my sibling.

~Time skip 1 years later~

I was walking to class while Kacchan and Shoto talked at the entrance about something. It was the last day of school. I was so glad. All those years payed off. I was finally going to be a hero.

Uraraka came running up to me. "DEKUU!!"
"Woah there. Morning Uraraka"
"Did you hear?"
"Hear what?"
"Well your dad was bailed out of jail yesterday. Btw why did he go to jail? You never told us."

I froze. I was like a deer in headlights.
"Deku are you even listening to me?"
"Oh uh y-yeah."
"Class is gonna start let's go"
"Uh sure let's go"

Kacchan and Shoto came in just in time for class to start. It was a really long day and I c ouldnt stop thinking of what Uraraka said earlier.

~After school~

As Mr. Aizawa walked out of class, Kirishima stood up and announced
"Hey guys I'm having a party at my place today anyone down?"
Everyone started cheering. Even Shoto and Kacchan agreed so I just went along with it.

After that Kacchan Shoto and I decided to go home to get ready for the party.
"Hey Zuzu you ok. You seem on edge about something."
"Don't even think about lying Deku"
Woah he hasn't called me that I'm in a while. They must know something's wrong.
"What's wrong then"
"Well you see *sigh* my dad got bailed out of prison yesterday. Uraraka told me today and I'm kinda worried about what will happen."
"Who would bail that dumbass out of prison. They have to be stupid to do that"
"I don't know. But I should get my mind off it. I have you two so I should be alright. Let's just get home and get ready for Kirishima's party."
"Whatever you say."

When we got home we got dressed. We all wore something simple.

When we got there, Mina was already dancing away and Jiro had the music blasting. Uraraka came up to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Kaccahn and Shoto.

~Time skip~

The party ended and all I could say was almost everyone was drunk even Uraraka. Iida took her home though.
Good luck to me carrying my boyfriends home.

It didn't turn out that bad. Momo offered to give us a ride home since she has to drop off Jiro since she was also drunk and her house was a little before mine.

When I managed to get them inside, i went back to thank Momo.
"Why are they at your house again Miyoriya?"
"Well I told their parents we were gonna hang at my place for a little since school just ended and we wanted to spend some time together." I didn't tell her the full truth since we didnt come out to the class yet. Honestly for us to hide a relationship for a whole year was really hard. People started getting onto us.
"Oh ok good luck with those two. Good night"
"Good night"

I walked inside and Kacchan and Shoto stood there staring at me with smirks on their faces. Kacchan pulled me up to the room and pushed me onto the bed.

🛇Small smut warning🛇 leave if you don't like that. Thank you🙃

Kacchan then pulled me in for a kiss and Shoto starting kissing my neck. I knew were this was going to go and I avoided it for almost three years so I gave in this time and went along with it.

Kacchan started getting a little rougher making me moan a little. That gave him an opportunity to slide his going into my mouth. While Shoto left hickeys all over my neck. I was a moaning mess at this point.

Kacchan stopped kissing me and took off my clothes while Shoto took his clothes. Shoto started kissing me and Kacchan took that time to take off his clothes. Shoto starting kissing my neck again causing to moan even more. Then Kacchan took one finger and put in in my entrance. I let out a loud moan. He put in another finger. "Ahh~" "You like that huh~" "mhm~" He started going in and out and Shoto started kissing Kacchan.

Kacchan took out his finger and put his dick up to my face. "S-suck" I did as told and sucked. He started to moan. To be honest, I liked this. I don't know why i avoided this for so long. I loved this feeling.

He removed his dick from my mouth, turned me over and started to thrust in me. "Ahh~ K-Kacchan~"

Ok that's all. Like I said it's my first time writing so I don't really know what to put anymore for that part😭✋ yea so that's all for now besties. Bye bye

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