I'm here

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Izuku's POV

I knew it would be hard but I had to fine a way to change. It was either tgat or not get to see my family and quite frankly, I dont want that.

I sighed as I reluctantly agreed, "I'll change if it means I get to stay with you guys"
"Great" Sho said with a soft smile, "We'll see you tomorrow. Bye Zuzu"
"Bye. Can I say bye to them please" I asked. He handed Izumi the phone and I heard her squeal bye so loud, my ear drums almost burst.

~ Timeskip~

I was being sent back to my cell when an explosion went off near me. I went flying as the building started to burn away. As I landed hard on the ground, my vision began to blur. However, I was still able to see my dad walking up to me, laughing hysterically.

"You're coming with me now boy, and there is NOTHING that can stop me." He was so confident in his statement. I tried getting up but all I felt was pain, nothing like I ever felt before. My head was pounding, I had bruises all over and only now did I notice, my face was burned from the explosion.

Why was this happening now? Was this the world's way of proving that I was an idiot? That I was never going to be truly happy? I was gonna go home tomorrow but obviously that wasn't going to happen.

I tried to hard to get up but failed so miserably.
"There is now way out Izuku. You have no escape and no one is here to save you. You're just the same as you always have been. Useless. Unwanted. And mos-" he sentence was cut off my another explosion but this time it wasn't his doing.

"Get the fuck away from him asshole" I slightly flinched at the deep and obviously pissed voice. After that, I only saw darkness.


I feel trapped. I was in this dark room and I can't seem to be able to get out. Here is a light leading somewhere but the more I walked closer to it, the further it goes. I try to escape this dark room but nothing seemed to work. I didn't know how long I've been in here but I want to get out so desperately.

I tried and tried and tried but nothing worked. My quirk was useless because I couldn't even use it.

"Izuku? Are you there?" I heard a voice call my name.   It sounded like Kacchan's voice.
"Don't worry Kat, he'll be ok." That one sounded like Shoto. What were they talking about? Where are they?

"But he's been here for so long. I can't talk it anymore. I missed him when we were forced to leave him but this is a worse feeling because he's right here and I can't hear his cute little voice or his giggle or him ranting about how much more awesome his kids are than us. It just makes me feel so...... I don't even know and I hate that." Kacchan saying that made my heart melt. But what did he mean by 'he's been here so long'?

"I understand Kat and I know how you feel but he have to be strong for Izumi, Katsumi and Hika ok? It will all be ok" Sho reassured Kacchan in which me hummed in response.


I don't kniw how long I've been in this dark room and I don't wamt to be here anymore. The only thing keeping me sane right now is hearing my family at least once every single day........ I think. Well I do know their voices are regularly here. They would sometimes talk alone and sometimes with someone else.

I'm starting to think I'm dead.

But I have to keep up the positive attitude.


One day, I finally woke up to a bright white light, not black. I was in a bright room with my family looking at me in shock and rear threatening to fall down their faces at any moment. Not in a dark room where I'm constantly alone.

"I-Izuku?" Shoto muttered out
"I-I'm here" I replied with a weak smile

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