Chapter 76: What Should We Do?

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Frank POV

Monica has tried countless times to get Alexys out the house but failed. When I try all I get is a look or maybe even a wave.

I hate seeing her like this. It's heart breaking. Since she's living back home again her mom wanted some bonding time but it ended up being silent and depressing.

At this point I have no idea what to do. I never seen her like this.

Jake POV

I sit on Lexy's bed telling her a funny story like what I always used to do when she was upset.

My stories and jokes always made her laugh or at least smile.

But now it's different she doesn't show any emotion. She sits their and and stares at the wall.

After I finish my last story and I get no reaction I stand up.

I walk out the room and Monica and Frank walk up to me.

"Well?" Franks questioned.

"Still nothing"

Monica sighs. Then I get an idea. Monica and Frank might try to kill me but I'm willing to take it for Alexys.

"Hey what if we get Michael to come over."

They both snap their heads in my direction.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Monica asked.

"He's the reason she's in this state now!" Frank says.

"I know, I know but maybe seeing him one last time will somehow make her feel better."

"I'm not so sure that's a great idea. Alexys is my best friend. I know her like the back of my hand. If she sees Michael there's a good chance that she will kill him."

"And that's bad because?" Frank says.

We both look at Frank and he just shrugs.

"Come on guys. Think about it we tried everything to get her back to normal. Nothing works. This is like our only option."

Monica rolls her eyes.

"Fine maybe we should give it a shot."

Frank looks at us in disbelief.

"Are you two serious? Your gonna bring the man who broke her heart into pieces in this house."

"Frank you know this is like the only option we got left." Monica states

"Actually...." He trails off.

"Fine what do you insist we do?" I ask.

"We could take her to a physiologist."

We both look at him blankly.

"Maybe we should just leave her alone for a little while. If this depression state still last then we take action." Alexys's mom says from behind us.

We all agree and we go on about our business.

Alexys POV

I can't take it! The feeling of loneliness and hurt is to overwhelming. How did this happen?

I roll onto my back starring at the ceiling. I hate him but yet I still love him.

I never felt this bad about anything. I was eating ice cream before but now I just don't eat anything.

I get out of my bed and I go under my bed where I hid all my beer.

I sit on the floor and I open a can. Before I know it I drink most of the pac.

The beer isn't taking away the pain though. I get my lighter and the pac of cigarettes I stole from Frank.

I light the cigarette and I start to smoke. I promised myself that I would never smoke because I would never want to have cancer. I wanted to live a long happy life.

The door swings open and Frank walks in.

"Hey Lex you wanna hav---"

He stops when he sees me.

He snatches the cigarette out of my hand.

"How did you get these?" I look away from him.

He checks his jacket's pockets. He spots the pac on the floor next to me. He grabs the pac, the lighter, and my remaining beer.

"Hey!" I manage to say.

"Lex I love you way too much to let this happen to you."

Jake walks in to take all the things out of Frank's hands. After he hands then to him he closes the door.

He sits next to me on the floor.

"French fry I'm really sorry about what happen between you and--"

He didn't get to finish because I broke down in tears.

Frank comforted me as I cried.

Frank POV

I'm afraid giving Alexys time to herself is no longer an option. We need to take action.

Comment, Vote, and Follow me. Guys I'm leaving this part to you. What should they do? Let Alexys see Michael or get her some help. Write what you think they should do in the comments. Love ya'll xoxo. ❤️❤️❤️

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