Chapter 25: A Secret Relationship

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Michael POV

"We came back early to surprise you guys. We were all gonna go out to dinner and then we would probably have to leave again." Her mom says.

I stare at Alexys angry dad. "Michael you should be ashamed of yourself. What kind of man are you?" I shake my head feeling horrible "I'm so sorry sir" "No." Alexys interrupts. "Michael don't even act like it was your fault. The first time we had sex I tied him up and the second time I seduced him" I look at Alexys in disbelief she's truly something else.

Alexys POV

"Young lady! Your are on strict lock down." My dad says. "I don't care it was worth it" "yeah well good luck because you'll never see Michael again." "This is not Rapunzel. You can't lock me in a tower I mean my room for the rest of my life" "watch us"

My dad looks back at Michael "I should kill you" "Hey!! Michael you should go" my mom says getting worried.


I'm in my room texting Monica filling her in on everything that has happened. After our convocation Michael texts me.

Michael: hey

Me: hi Michael miss u already

Michael: I know me too

Me: so are you coming over my house or am I going over to yours.

Michael: well actually I'll stop bye and pick u up.

Me: oh okay what time.

Michael: 12 or 1

Me: Good thing your coming over to pick me up because I can't stand to be out on the street or outside at that time.

Michael: I figured u would be. I'll protect u from all the scary monsters

Me: ha ha thanks Michael

Michael: no problem gorgeous see u later.

Me: u too

I decide to take a short nap until 11:30 it was only 8:10 when I fell asleep. Instead of my alarm waking me up I'm woken up by my door swinging open. I see my mom and dad "We're just checking on you" its only 10:50 "This is for your own good Alexys." they shut the door locking it again.

I shut off my alarm cause I'm not going back to sleep now. I sigh and fall back on my bed feeling frustrated.

In a few minutes I decide to take a bath to calm me down. At around 11:25 I get out and get dressed. I lay back down on my bed looking at the ceiling. Time goes by fast cause next thing you know pebbles are being thrown at my window. I open my window and one accidentally came in my room. "hey watch it" "sorry." Michael clears his throat "Alexys Alexys send down a rope" I laugh remembering what I said to my parents earlier. I get a long rope and set it up.

Michael comes into my room and I go in my closet getting an old Halloween wig my hair color. I get some pillows and hide them under my sheet and place the wig wear my head would be. "interesting" Michael mumbles.

We climb out the window and Michael grabs my waist to steady me "okay my car is a block away so we gotta walk a little." "why did you park a block away" "So your parents wouldn't see my car" "Michael we're not robbing a bank" "I know but I wanted to be on the safe side."

We walk a block and we drive over to his place which is not so far away. Its pretty nice though.

We go up to his bedroom and you know and when we're done we fall asleep in each others arms.

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