Chapter 78: The Talk

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Michael POV

I opened Alexys's door and saw a lump on her bed which I'm guessing is her. A wave of guilt washes over my face.

She doesn't even turn to see who entered her room. I slowly approach her bed.

"Lexy." I say above a whisper.

She turns around recognizing my voice.

Usually I would expect a smile but all I see is hurt and pain.

"What...What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you." I answer back.

"Why? You already broke my heart what else do you want from me?" She asked frustrated.

"Nothing sweetie."

"Then why are you here?"

"(Sigh) Listen Lex I want you to move on. This is not healthy."

She sits up and looks at me with so much hurt.

"Move on?" She asked quietly.

"You want me to move on? How the hell am I supposed to move on? The only man I loved broke my heart."

"I'm sorry." was the only thing I could think to say.

Tears started to stream down her face.

"I hate you so much." she says slightly shaking.

"No.....sweet heart we been through this before you don't mean that." I say brushing away the tears from her eyes.

She slaps my hand away.

"I do."

"How could you do this to me when you claimed you love me?" She asked.

"I did this for you. I can't keep acting like everything was perfect when it wasn't. I couldn't keep taking your life away from you. I did what was best for you."

She stands up.

"Best for me?! Does this look fucking best for me?!!!" She asked pointing to herself.

She looked as though she was loosing weight almost everyday, her usual thick and beautiful hair looked like it
was thinning slowly, and she looked pale with tears stains all across her face.

I felt so bad.

I grab her hand pulling her down to sit next to me on the floor in front of her bed.

We sat in silence for a little while before I spoke.

"Have you ever heard of the sayin that says if you love someone set them free and if it comes back to you its yours but if it doesn't it was never yours to begin with?"

She nods slowly. She chuckles a little and fiddles with her fingers.

"My..My dad said that when I found a lost puppy."

I chuckle but it slowly fades. I grab her hand and I look over at Alexys and she looks over at me. I look down at our now clasped hands.

"I'm setting you free." I say in a whisper.

My eyes get glossy as she surprisingly leans her head on my shoulder. I lean my head on top of hers.

I'm going to miss her so much. I seriously love this girl. I play with her fingers as we sit in silence. This will probably be the last time I speak to her or even see her in a long time.

After a while I slowly stand up with Alexys following. We stand face to face.

"I guess this is....goodbye."

"Yeah I guess so." She says.

I close my eyes tightly and kiss her fore head.

"Hopefully we'll meet again in the future." I say.

She nods.

"I'm gonna miss you Michael." She says starring at the ground.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I say.

I pull her in a hug which we stay in for a few moments.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." she says

With that I give her one last wave before walking out.

I walk out the house not bothering to talk to anyone.

I decide to drive to the park and maybe take a walk.

I'm gonna miss that girl. But I know I did the right thing. She'll always be the lady in my life.

Who knows maybe we can actually meet up again in our future.


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