Chapter 31: Trying To Fix Things

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Michael POV

When I get back to my house I lay down on the couch and watch some tv trying to get Alexys out my mind for once. Every time I fucked Diana I imagined it was Alexys moaning and telling me she loves me. That girl...she changed me.

I know that explanation I gave her might of made things worse but at least I was honest right? I mean I didn't lie at all it was the total truth except for one thing. Diana wasn't lying when she said that I've been fucking her on the down low and I did have trouble with dialing her phone number. I've cheated on Alexys multiple times.

I felt guilty but I'm a man I have needs and Alexys basically made herself a No Sex Zone.

I flip through the channels until something catches my eye. This lady maybe in her twenties looked really familiar. I get a little closer to the tv and I stare the tv lady down. I don't even know what she's talking about I'm just focused on why she looks so familiar. I look away for a second but then look back and it hits me. "Holy Shit"

I pick up my phone and I dial the lady's number. Someone picks up "Hello?" "Oh hi my name is Michael Jackson I wondering if I could speak with Brooke Shields" "oh this is she, and oh my god Michael is that really you" a smiles creeps it's way on my face. "Yeah it's me" "Oh Mikey I missed you. Um I'm a little busy right now but we can go out to lunch today" "ummm...." "oh come on Michael we just need to catch up it's not a date" I finally agree "well ok" "Good. Say about oneish" I agree and I offer a place we can meet "We could meet at the park on Smith street and we can go from there" "okay it's a date-- oops I mean a friendly meeting or whatever you call it" I laugh "it's a date"

We hang up and I know what your thinking. You think I'm trying to pick up another woman just to break her heart. Well I'm not I just want to catch up and I want to find out something.


I'm at the park entrance and I spot Brooke in about 5 minutes. Damn she looks good-- ugh stay focused Michael. Don't get yourself in even worse trouble than your already in. Your here for one thing and one thing only and that is not to screw her.

We hug and decide to walk to a small diner around the block. She tries to grab my hand but I pretend to be stretching. I looked pretty stupid but I just can't end up fucking this woman too. I only love Alexys I don't know what's wrong with me. There actually is one more lie I told her, it was when I said Diana rides me better than her. Diana is horrible at fucking which is suppressing considering the fact she's a prostitute/hoe/bitch/gold digger.

I only said that cause I felt bad for hurting Lexy like that. I took it out on her because deep down I was ashamed and that is why I'm here with Brooke. I know it doesn't make sense but trust me on this one. I'm trying to fix things.

We make it to the restaurant and we order our food. We share some small talk until we decide to break the ice or whatever. "So what made you decide to call me all of a sudden. I mean not that I wasn't happy to see or talk to you but let's be honest. We haven't talked in two years. Why now?"

I sigh "ok since we're being honest I should tell you what's really up. Um I heard about a few months ago that you have a television show that people come on to solve their relationship issues. Apparently your really good at what you do so I was wondering if--" she puts her hand up "Michael we already have all 5 months a head filled." "Can't you work some magic or something. It doesn't even have to be televised it could be private"

"I don't think I feel comfortable with getting in your personal life." "What. We used to be a couple and your saying your not comfortable with being in my personal life" She purses her lips and I remember I really used to find that so sexy. I get the memory out my mind and I get back to my main priority.

"Please help me out here Brooke. I really like this one. No actually I love this girl" "Michael--" "Please. I'll do anything" she raises one eye brow "Anything?" I have a bad feeling about this.

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Ps. I feel like I might just post another chapter tonight. So three in one day sounds pretty good right now. I'm always so busy and right now I'm not and I'm taking advantage.

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