Chapter 47: Spread the news

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Alexys POV

I open my eyes to see Michael sleeping quietly to my right. A small smile spreads across my face. One thing that will probably never change is that Michael is adorable when he's sleeping.

I slowly get out of bed careful not to wake Michael. Right now I actually don't feel like throwing up. I know it's not going to be like that every day though.

I walk over to my room to get shower and get dressed. I have to stop by a few places today.

After my ten minute shower I dress in light blue jeans and a white knitted baggy sweater. I slip on my brown boots and I decide to leave Michael a note.

After that I head out to my car. The first place I stop by is my best friend's house. It's 8:45 so hopefully she's up. I knock on the door and Monica's mom opens it. She's in a pink robe with a mug in her hand. "Oh Alexys, it's so nice to see you dear." she says surprised that I'm here so early. "You too Mrs. Jones." She lets me in "Monica's upstairs probably sleeping but might as well wake her. She always sleeps late and I'm always trying to get her up earlier." I laugh. "Thanks Mrs. Jones." I say as I climb up the stairs.

I knock on her door "I'm sleeping!" She yells. I open the door anyway and close it behind me. She turns around "I said I'm sleeping--" She smiles when she sees me "Oh it's you. No time no see." I return the smile "Yeah sorry bout that." She lays her back on her pillow and closes her eyes again but I know she's not sleeping yet.

I just need to let her know the news and so I can leave. "Um I just wanted to let you know I'm pregnant. Bye." I say trying to walk out quickly. "WAIT WHAT!!!" Monica yells hopping out of bed. I should of known she wouldn't just let me leave that easily.

I turn back around "I'm pregnant." I say slowly. She squeals and hugs me. "Oh my god!!!! Congrats girl. Wait a minute does your parents know yet?" I shake my head quickly "No but eventually I'm gonna have to tell them." I say. "Oh okay good luck girl." she says. "I have to get going. We'll catch up soon." She nods "okay bye" she says "bye" I say as I turn the knob on her door.

Okay now I got a few more stops to make and then I could head back home.

Michael POV

I wake up to see no Alexys. I instantly sit up and I see a note on the night stand.

Morning Michael,

Don't worry I'll be back later. I just had to run some errands.

Love Lexy, xoxoxx

You still look really cute when sleeping.

I instantly blush and roll my eyes. I get out of bed and shower. When I'm showering I start to think about Alexys and I remember that her birthday is coming up in like two weeks. July 26. I want to do something nice for her. Maybe her friend Monica can help me out.

I get out the shower and dress in some comfortable clothes and I search for Monica's cell phone number. I find it and I call her up.


"Oh hi Monica it's Michael"

"Hey Michael don't mean to be rude but why exactly are you calling me."

"Oh I wanted you to come over and help me plan something for Alexys's birthday."

"Oh sure I would love too. I'll be there in a little bit."

"Okay great see you in a little. Bye."

"Bye Michael"

We hang up and I go downstairs to wait for Monica. In ten or fifteen minutes theres a knock on the door. I open it to see Monica. I invite her in. "hey Michael" she says smiling. "hey" I say back smiling. "Oh congratulations by the way" she says causing me to blush. I scratch my head. "Thanks but how'd you know" I say curious. "Oh Michael I'm Alexys's best friend how else do you think I know." she says laughing a bit. "oh" I say embarrassed.


After a lot of thought we decided to throw a surprise birthday party for her. With all her closest friends and family. Monica and I would of course have to have often meetings now but it might be hard not to run into Alexys while doing such.

Monica was getting ready to leave when she trips on the rug and I catch her holding her in my arms. She looks straight into my eyes. Right then the front door swings open. We both look at Alexys and back to our joined arms. We both instantly jump off each other.

She looks from me to Monica and then calmly says "What's going on?" Monica panics and says "Um well-- I got to go." She stutters and runs out the door. She leaves me with a confused and angry Alexys. Oh god.

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