Chapter One

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I wake up from my nap to a loud excessive banging on my dorm door. I groan and roll out of bed, annoyed. I look through the peep hole to see none other than my best friend Harry Styles. I open the door with crossed arms. He smiles at me and walks in without asking.

"Harry what are you doing here?" I ask closing the door and following him to my room.

"We are going to a party, get dressed." He says taking a super short dress and throws it on my bed.

"No way am I wearing that." I cross my arms. He gives me a fake shocked look. He knew I wouldn't wear it.

"Why not? I think you'll look sexy." He smirks.

"Shut up and get out." I say shoving him out and locking my door to change.

I put the dress Harry picked out back in my closet neatly and look for something else. I finally decide on a black skirt that ends before my knees and a matching black tube top with buttons down the center. I leave my brown hair down and put on some black vans. I unlock the door and walk out into the living and kitchen area.

"Finally, let's go." He says grabbing my arm and dragging me out to his black range rover.

"Is the party at the frat house?" I ask. Yes, Harry is part of the fraternity. They always have parties that Harry usually drags me along to.

"Mhm." He hums in response.


We pull up to the extremely crowded frat house. Looks like the party already started and it's only 9. Harry and I both step out of the car and walk to the front door.

"I'm gonna find Tessa. Are you gonna be fine by yourself?" He asks as we step inside. Tessa is a girl that he occasionally hooks up with at parties and stuff.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I'm gonna fine Lauren." I nod. Lauren is my roommate.

He pats my shoulder before walking away into the mass of people. I sigh and start to look for Lauren. I know she's here because her boyfriend Derek is also part of the fraternity. I spot her bright red hair from across the room and go into the crowd. I grab her arm and she shoots her head in my direction.

"Ellie!" She says happily. She must of already drank something.

"Hey Lauren!" I shout over the loud music.

"Wanna drink? I'll get you one!" She says, dragging me without an answer. We move through the people until we reach the kitchen. She grabs a beer from the fridge, handing it to me. I thank her and take a big sip.


The next thing I know I'm wasted. I'm stumbling around outside on the grass. I tumble onto the ground after tripping over literally nothing. I start laughing hysterically for no reason at all. Suddenly I'm pulled up by a strong figure.

"Harry?" I slur in his arms.

"Of course you had to get wasted." he laughs. I hold onto his biceps to keep me up a bit.

"Oo you have big muscles." I say feeling his arms.

I hear him chuckle as he swoops his arms under my legs and lifts me up. I hold onto his neck as he walks. I hear a car door open and I'm set into a seat. The door closes and soon after the drivers side door opens as Harry gets in. The drive home is silent besides the faint sound of the radio. We pull up to my dorm not too long after.

"Come on, let's get you inside." Harry says as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

We walk inside my dorm, with my arms wrapped around his neck. He uses one arm to open the door and walks us inside. The dorm is empty so I'm guessing Lauren isn't home yet. I sink into my comfy bed as he sets me down.

"Harry." I slur with my eyes closed.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Don't go," I say, extending my arms.

Usually when I get like this he stays with me. I hear him chuckle and lay down beside me. It's not weird for us to share a bed because we've been doing it since we were kids. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer. I fall asleep to the steady sound of his breathing.


My eyes peer open with a pounding headache. I look beside me and see Harry's not there. He either left or is somewhere else in the dorm. I look over to Lauren's bed and see her sound asleep. I throw my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the warm carpet beneath my feet. I rub my head in pain as I walk to the kitchen and living room area. I see Harry making eggs at the stove.

"Hey," I say as I sit down at one of the island stools.

"How's your head?" He asks, flipping an egg.

"In pain." I chuckle.

He walks over to the cabinet full of medicine and pulls out a bottle of ibuprofen. He pours two into his hand and then closes it and puts it back. He struts over to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. He walks over to me, extending his hand. I take the pills and water from him, muttering a thank you. He goes back to the stove and finishes making breakfast. He slides a plate eggs to me and leans against the counter.

"Thanks again." I say. I'm so grateful he's always here for me when I need him.

"No problem but you've really got to stop getting wasted at every party you go to Ellie." He says with a stern look on his face.

"I know." I sigh, taking a bite of my food. The door opens to the bedroom making both our heads turn towards it. Lauren walks out looking like she just went through hell.

"What happened to you?" Harry asks.

"I got way too drunk, spilled beer on my dress, and then fell in the pool." She says taking a seat beside me. Harry slides her a plate of eggs along with some water and pills.

"Looks like we all had a rough night." I laugh.

"Yeah well now I have class so I gotta go." Harry says waving to us as he walks out the door.

"I'm gonna shower," I Tell Lauren. She nods and I head into the bathroom.

My Best Friend [H.S]Where stories live. Discover now