Chapter Sixteen

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"Ellie, Harry, get up." I hear someone say. 

"i don't wannaaaa." I whine hiding my face in Harry's chest.

"It's almost 1 get up." The blankets are pulled off of Harry and I and I peek my eyes open to see Louis standing at the end of the bed. 

"Ughhh you suck." I say sitting up and stretching. 

"How are you not feeling horrible right now?" Harry asks sitting up. 

"I don't know maybe it hasn't hit me yet." I shrug.

"So, do you remember anything that happened last night?" Louis asks.

"Um I remember going home with Liam and then I couldn't sleep...oh shit." I say realizing how mad Liam must be at me. I start to remember all of last nights events. Oh this is bad, I just know he's gonna be mad. 

"Yup, well I'll leave you and Harry to uh chat." He fake smiles and then leaves.

"Chat? About what?" Harry says more to himself then me.

"Oh I think about last night." I say.

"Oh yeah what did happen last night?" He asks.

'"Well I guess I wouldn't stop talking about you," He smirks. "And Liam got fed up with it and took me here." I explain.

"Are you gonna go see him?" 

"Yeah I think I should.." I sigh. 

"Alright bye El." He says wrapping his arms around me for a short but sweet hug.

"Bye." I smile looking into his eyes.


I stand in front of Liam's door. I want to knock but I'm nervous. I swallow the lump in my throat and knock on the door.  I wipe my hands on my jeans nervously. The door opens revealing the person I've been nervous to see. 

"Hi." I say quietly. 

"Hi." He says with little emotion. I can already tell he's upset, I can see it in his eyes.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"Fine," He says walking into the house.

 I follow him inside, closing the door behind me. I follw him to the living room and take a seat on the couch next to him. 

"I know you're upset about last night." I state.

"Of course I am," He scoffs. 

"Liam I understand why you're upset but I was literally wasted, I didn't know what I was doing." I defend.

"Being drunk doesn't make you act like that. You were expressing how you really feel." He says coldly.

"Are you serious?" I say, standing up.

"Yes! Ellie you didn't know what it felt like!" He says, anger rising in his voice as he stands. 

"What are you jealous?!" I hissed. 

"I'm sorry am I supposed to feel good about it?!" He yells back.

"Why can't you just get it through your head that Harry and I are just friends!?" I yelled.

"That's clearly not true and you know it." he scoffs. 

"How are we any more than that?!" I say angrily. 

"You can't be serious!" he shouted.

"You're ridiculous." I say crossing my arms.

"So you're saying you've never felt anything towards him? That you've never kissed him or come close to? That you don't love him in more than a friendly manor? I see it in your eyes when you look at him Ellie." He says in a low defeated voice.

I look up trying to fight the tears away. "Liam, I love you okay?" 

"That's hard to believe." He says looking down at his shoes instead of me. I don't even know what to say to make him feel better about this. I never meant to make him feel like I didn't love him. What he says next shocks me.

"You never really loved me, did you?" He says with tears in his eyes. I look at him with tears falling down my face now. I move closer to him and put my hands on his face.

"Don't say that." I shake my head. He softly grabs my wrists, pulling them down to my sides.

"You can't keep doing this Ellie," He says. All traces of anger in his voice is gone, leaving only sadness. 

"Doing what?" I ask, wiping away tears.

"Pretending you don't love him." He says his voice shaky. It pains me so much to see him like this.

"Well of course I love him Liam." I say. 

"You know how I meant it." He says.

I don't say anything. I don't know what he wants me to say, he's not gonna believe anything I say either way, why try? 

"Liam I love him as a friend." I decide to say.

"I'd like to believe that." 

"I-" he cuts me off.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." He says.

"W-what?" I say hoping I misheard him. 

"I just can't. I can't go on watching you be in love with him and pretending to be in love with me." 

"Liam please," I cry.

"Just please leave." He says choking up a bit.

"Fine." I say angrily storming out.

My heads spinning as I get back into my car. 

"Fuck me!" I yell out in tears. I try to calm down and start driving home.


Another missed call. I wish Harry'd stop calling me. I don't know what he's doing to me. I shouldn't want to be lying in bed with him while he runs his fingers through my hair. I shouldn't want to look into his eyes and get lost. I shouldn't want him. That would make everything Liam said right. I can't even look at myself knowing all the pain I've caused him. I could of done better, but now it's too late. He doesn't want me anymore. We're over.

I hear the door open making me shoot up from my bed. Lauren's at Zayn's tonight so it can't be her. I let out a sigh of relief when I see a brown headed boy setting his keys on the counter.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I ask, leaning against the door frame. 

"You weren't answering my calls." He says innocently.

"So?" I say.

"I wanted to check up on you." he smiles.

"Well I'm fine, you can go now." I say walking back into my room and flopping onto my bed. I may sound rude but I don't want him to see me like this. I can hardly talk without crying. It would just show him he was right about Liam.

Of course he follows me. "Don't be rude," He pretends to be offended.

"Harry I'm not in the mood." I say already feeling the urge to cry. His features soften and he sits on my bed.

"Ellie what happened earlier?" He asks being serious now.

A/N- I'm so excited! The next chapters are gonna be great! So what do you think about Liam and Ellie breaking up? Who's side are you on? #Lellie #Hellie

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