Chapter Two

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Today is Harry and I's routine movie night. Every Wednesday we pick either one of our dorms and have a sleepover consisting of watching movies and eating snacks until we eventually fall asleep. We usually end up past out on the couch. It's Harry's turn to host it so right now I'm driving to his dorm. I don't have to drive, I could walk cuz it's not far but it's dark. I park my car and get out. I lock my car as I walk up to the door. I ring the doorbell and wait for him to let me in. The door opens and Harry stands in front of me with a smile on his face.

"Come in," He says as he pulls me in, shutting the door behind him.

"Are your roommates home?" I ask as we enter the living room.

"Nope. Louis is out with Eleanor for a while and Niall is seeing some chick." He explains as I sit down on their couch.

He sits next to me, pulling a large black blanket over us. He grabs the remote and hands it to me. We always take turns picking out the movies we watch and I pick first every time and then we'll go back and forth picking them. I decide to put on Twilight since they just added it to Netflix recently. I click on the first one and set the remote to the side.

"Really Ellie?" He chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I lean into his side as the movie starts. His body heat immediately warms me up. I don't know why but cuddling with him felt different than any other time we've cuddled. It's not like we've never done this before but it feels different. It makes my heart flutter and I have to urge to be closer to him. Maybe I've just missed him.


2 hours later and the movies over. Harry talked throughout the whole movie. He starting laughing every time Bella made a funny face or something cringy happened. I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Your turn," I say passing him the remote.

He quickly grabs it from me. I get up and wander to the kitchen for a new popcorn bag. I grab one out of the box and pop it into the microwave. After it's done I pour it into the previous bowl and go back to Harry. When I get to the living room I see he's turned on the second Twilight. I sit beside him, shoving a handful of the buttery popcorn into my mouth.

"Why'd you pick this?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You got me hooked. I wanna see what happens next." He says like a happy little child as he takes some popcorn into his hand.


4 Twilight movies later and we've gone through 7 bags of popcorn. We binged all 5 of the movies. Harry had fallen asleep during the last 20 minutes of the last movie though. Now he's asleep in my lap. I stare down at his peaceful sleeping state. He has a few curls swept over his face and his lips are slightly parted. I've never looked at him this way before. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't know why I'm getting these sudden thoughts. I brush some curls away from his face.

"Harry," I whisper in attempt to wake him up but he doesn't budge.

"Harry." I say a bit louder this time. His eyes slowly open and he puts his hand over his eyes.

"What." He groans.

"Wanna go to bed now?" I ask. "The movie's over." I say.

"Yeah but you could of just turned the tv off and went to sleep." he says with a faint smile.

"I know but I felt like bothering you." I tease.

I reach over him and grab the remote, shutting the tv off. I look down at Harry who has already fallen asleep again. I lean my head back on the couch as I run my hand through Harry's curls. I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep.


"Niall you're being too fucking loud, they're gonna wake up!" I hear a voice say.

"Sorry! Maybe you should do it then you fucker!" I hear another hushed voice.

"Just take the damn picture!" After that I hear the sound of a camera going off. I immediately open my eyes and see Niall and Louis standing in front of Harry and I.

"What are you two doing?" I ask sleepily. Harry is still asleep in my lap.

"What's going on?" I hear Harry's tired voice say. We must of woken him up.

"They were taking a picture of us sleeping." I say looking down at Harry. Harry sits up, rubbing away his sleepy eyes.

"Why are you taking pictures of us?" He asks.

"Because you guys looked so cute sleeping together." Niall says. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Can I ever get any privacy around here?" Harry groans laying back down on the couch.


It's Friday and I think the frat house is having a party again tonight. I grab my phone and send a quick message to Harry.

Me: Party at frat house tonight?

Harry: Yup, wear something cute ;)

Me: :[ Ew

I laugh as I walk over to my closet. I pick out a pair of denim shorts and a red tank top. I put on some shoes and get in my car. This time I'm not going to drink as much. Maybe I should stay with Harry that way he can lecture me if I try to drink more.


I pull up to the already crowded frat house. I get out of my car and go inside. My eyes scan the room for someone familiar.

"You look lost." A British accent says. I turn around to be faced with a really good looking man. He has short brown hair and deep brown eyes. He is very muscular too. He has tattoos all down his arms onto his hands. Damn he's a snack.

"Done staring?" He chuckles. My cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"S-sorry about that.." I say forcing a slight smile on my face.

"I'm Liam." He says, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Ellie," I say shaking his hand.

"Ellie there you are- who's this?" Harry says walking up to us.

"This is Liam. Liam this is Harry- my best friend." I say.

"Oh nice to meet you Liam. Ellie come on they're starting a game of pool." Harry says, dragging me away. I wave to Liam as Harry drags me off. He waves back with a glowing smile on his face.

A/n- oooo strong muscular Liam haha. He really is tho heh

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