Chapter Twenty Two

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Harry and I decided to go out today and get some Christmas shopping done. I need to get his parents, my parents, and Harry a gift. I don't really have an idea for what I'm going to get.

"Hey do you think your Mom would like this?" Harry asks pointing to a nice picture frame.

"You're going to give her a picture frame?" I ask.

"No, well yes. I was gonna put a picture of us in it." He says.

"Very original Haz. Yeah she'd like it." I answer his original question.

"Great," he says, putting it into the cart.

"Oh my gosh! Is that you Ellie?" I hear a voice say excitedly. I turn around to see one of Harry and I's old high school friends.

"Nina! Hey nice to see you!" I say giving her a short hug. Harry gives her a short hug also.

"So you guys are finally dating! I knew it would happen-"

"Uh no, we're just friends Nina." I correct her.

"Oh..well we should totally hang out soon! How long are you guys in town for?" She asks.

"Two weeks." Harry answers.

"Great! Do you guys possibly wanna come over to my place on Wednesday?" She suggests.

"Sure, we'll be there." I smile. We exchange numbers and continue our shopping.

"Hey sweetie, I was wondering how's Liam doing?" My mom asks as she sits down with her tea beside me on the couch.

This is what I've been dreading. "Oh..about Liam.."

"What is it? Is he okay?" She asks worriedly.

"He's, he's fine. We kind of broke up." I say quietly. My parents seemed like they really liked Liam.

"Oh honey, why?" She asks putting her free hand on my arm.

"This is gonna sound crazy Mom, but because of Harry." I say.

"What do you mean because of Harry?" She asks.

"I'm in love with Harry," I clarify. "And Liam could tell even when I couldn't."

I start to worry when she doesn't react until she breaks into a smile.

"I knew that would happen, are you two together?" She asks.

"No, he doesn't know." I tell her.

"You've got to tell him before you lose him Ellie." She says.

"Mom I can't. If I tell him and he doesn't feel the same it would ruin our friendship. It would either way. What if we're better as friends?" I explain.

"Darling, you can't keep it secret because you're afraid. You've got to let him know." She advises.

"I'll think about it, thanks mom." I say giving her a hug. I've got alot to think about.

Harry and I stand at Nina's door. I ring the doorbell and hold onto Harry's hand. She opens it with a huge smile.

"Hey guys! Everyone's waiting for you!" She says opening the door wide enough for us to go in.

"Who's everyone?" I laugh nervously. I wasn't aware there'd be others here.

"Just some of our old friends!" She answers happily. "Come on in,"

We follow her inside her small but nice home. She takes us to a nice little living space where there are other people I recognize. My eyes fall onto a tall blonde haired boy. My ex Tommy. Why didn't she tell me he'd be here? She knows he cheated on me.

"Oh yay, Harry and Ellie are here!" A girl I remember as Lily says.

"Hey," I say shyly. Even though they were my old friends I feel a bit nervous.

"Well come sit!" She says patting the spot beside her. Harry takes the lead and sits beside her but the black haired girl I don't recognize scoots close to Harry.

"Oh...uh I'll just sit somewhere else then..." I say awkwardly. She totally did that on purpose. I see that look in her eyes. She's practically undressing  Harry with her eyes.

I look around for another spot and see that the only one open is between Tommy and his friend Brad. I sigh and sit between them awkwardly. I fold my hands over my knees. The room breaks into their own conversations.

"So El, got a boyfriend?" Tommy says.

"I uh-" I stutter not sure what to say. I don't have a boyfriend but I don't want him to flirt with me any longer.

"Ah come on Tommy, she obviously doesn't." Brad laughs. "Right El?"

"I uh I-" I stand up and rush away. I needed to get out of there. I end up in the kitchen and lean against the counter.

"Why'd you leave darling?" Tommy's voice snaps me out of my trance. I cringe at the nickname that he used to call me.

"Because you were making me uncomfortable, can't you see?" I say, gaining confidence that I never had before with him.

"Aw darling, no need to feel that way." He says tilting my chin up.

"Don't touch me." I spit, shoving his hand away. He looks at me amused.

"Looks like you've gained some guts." He says, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek.

I cross my arms and start to walk away. He steps in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going darling?" He asks, his face close to mine.

"What do you want Tommy?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"You wanna answer my question?" He asked.

"What?" I say.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He repeats his earlier question.

"I-" he backs me up to the counter.

"That's what I thought." He says going in to kiss me.

I react quick and say, "I'm dating Harry."

He pulls away and smirks but I see that look in his eyes. It's the jealous look. He's never liked Harry and I being best friends. When we dated in grade 11 he'd always get really jealous of Harry and I.

"Now if you'd excuse me I'll be going back to the others," I say walking past him. I make my way back to the others and sit down on the floor under Harry, between his legs. He sets his hand on my shoulder and I smile up at him making the black haired girl glare.

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