Chapter Eight

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I haven't spoke to Harry since our fight. I'm angry at him but also feel bad for him at the same time. His girlfriend's cheating on him and he's in denial. I know I should be more angry with him but he's my best friend and I love him. Besides that, today I'm meeting Liam's parents. I'm actually really nervous. I know he said not to worry but I can't help it. 

I dress in a casual outfit that consists of a simple white blouse and a pair of jeans. I grab my phone, shoving it into my pocket and walk out to Liam's car. I get in and give him a kiss.

"Hey babe." He says with a smile.

"Hey." I say buckling my seat belt. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks as we pull out of the dorm parking lot. 

"I'm a bit nervous and worried about Harry but besides that I'm feeling fine." I answer truthfully.

"Don't be nervous, they'll love you. And Harry will be fine. He's a grown boy he'll make it." He chuckles. 


We pull up to a nice brick home. The grass is nicely trimmed and there's a beautiful flower garden along the side of the house. 

"Ready?" Liam asks me.

"Ready." I repeat with a smile. We get out and walk to the front door hand in hand. Liam opens the door. 

"Mum I'm home!" he shouts. 

"My baby!" I hear a woman's voice say from somewhere. Soon a older blonde haired women walks into the room with a man. She has a gushing smile on her face as she hugs her son. She pulls away from him and looks at me with smile.

"You must be Ellie! I'm Karen." She introduces herself. 

"Yup that's me. It's lovely meeting you." I say kindly. 

"Well c'mere give me a hug!" She says opening her arms out to me. I laugh and hug her back. She seems really nice. 

"And I'm Geoff, Liam's Dad." the man says holding his hand out for me to shake.

"It's nice to meet you." I say, shaking his hand. 


After dinner with Liam's parents, which went wonderful, Liam dropped me off at my dorm. Lauren decided to go back home for the rest of the week for some alone time so it's just me. I get ready for bed and fall asleep to the sound of the wind outside. 


I wake up to banging on my door. I look at the clock and see it's 2 in the morning. I begin to feel a bit scared and grab a pair of scissors that are on my desk. I walk to the door slowly and look through the peephole. It's Harry. I put the scissors on the counter and open the door. I look at him and see his hair is a mess and he's crying. I've never seen him like this before.

"Harry what happened?" I say pulling him inside and shutting the door. I drag him into the living room onto the couch.

"You were right." He whispers.

"About what?" I ask. Is he talking about Olivia.

"Olivia. I came to her dorm to surprise her and she was with Derek..." His voice croaks. My heart aches for him right now. I hate seeing him this way. He doesn't deserve this. I pull him into a hug as he cries into my shoulder.

 "I'm sorry. She didn't deserve you. I knew she was bad news." I say gritting my teeth. Stupid Olivia. I swear the next time I see her.

"I should of listened to you. I'm sorry Ellie." He says. I rub his back to sooth him.

"It's okay Harry. How about you sleep over?" I suggest. He nods into my shoulder.

"Thank you." He says with a sniffle. 

This boy is seriously breaking my heart. I pull away and grab his hand, leading him to my room. He takes his shirt and pants off leaving him in his boxers. I lay down and cover up. I squeeze next to the wall as much as I can to make room for Harry. Harry soon gets into the bed, lying on his back staring at the ceiling. I wrap my arms around him, bringing him into a hug. I fall asleep soon after to the sound of Harry's heartbeat. 


I wake up the next morning in Harry's arms. He's still asleep though. I move some hair out of his face. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep which I'm sure I've said before. I listen to the sound of his steady breaths. 

"Good morning." I say myself once I realize he's woken up. 

"Morning." He mumbles. 

"Why don't we go for ice cream later?" I suggest hoping to brighten his mood. 

"Yeah that sounds good." he says with his face in my shoulder. 

"Well c'mon let's get out of bed." I say moving his arm off of me.

"Nooo I don't want to!!" He groans. I get out of the bed and grab his arm. I pull until he falls off the bed.

"Owww." He whines. He sits up, rubbing his eyes.


Harry went home to change earlier and grab some things. We agreed to spend the weekend together at my dorm. Now we are walking to the ice cream shop. 

"What kind of ice cream are you getting?" I ask Harry as we approach the shop. 

"Strawberry." He says, opening the door. "What about you?"

"Brownie." I say. Once we get our food we outside and sit at a table. 

"How are you feeling today?" I ask.

He doesn't make eye contact as he says, "A bit better. You were right." 

"About what?" I ask.

"About it being too soon for Olivia and I to be dating." He says. 

"Well I didn't really have room to talk since I kind of did that with Liam." I laugh to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I guess you did. You're a hypocrite once again." He laughs. It feels so nice to see him smile again. He's hardly smiled all day. I'm glad he's feeling a bit better now though. 

Once we finish our ice cream we head back to my dorm. I get changed into something comfortable and sit down on the couch. Harry comes in a few moments later and sits beside me.

"Wanna play a board game?" I ask him.

"Sure. What game do you want?" He says getting up and going to the small kitchen closet. 

"You pick." I say. He looks for a minute before he pulls out jenga and comes back. He sets the box on the coffee table and sets the tower up.

"Rock paper scissors to see who goes first." He says holding his hand out in a rock shape. I sit up and get ready.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" I say hitting my fist against my flattened out hand for each word. I do scissors and Harry does rock. He always wins.

"Damn it. You always win." I say. 

He chuckles, "Because I'm a pro at that game."

"Sure big guy. Just go." I laugh.

 He turns to the jenga stack and picks one. He goes for a yellow block in the middle. He uses his pointer finger to push it halfway out and then pulls it out from the other side. He sets the block on top of the stack and turns to me with a smirk.

"Your turn." He says, and that's how our night goes. Board games and snacks til midnight. 

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