Chapter Nineteen

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I was right. Liam didn't sit by me today. He moved not only away from me but all the way across the room. I miss him whispering to me during class and making me laugh. I miss him.

But I had to go and ruin it. As for the situation with Harry, I don't even know how I feel still. I know I feel some sort of feelings for Harry that don't seem to be friendly. Maybe I'm just going through a phase and it's nothing to worry about. But there's part of me that knows it's not going away.

"Haz I'm back," I call out when I arrive back home. His car is still parked outside so I know he's here.

"In here!" He shouts from another room. I walk towards where the voice came from and see him in my bedroom along with Lauren.

"Hey guys." I smile at them.

"Hey El." Lauren says rummaging through her closet. I'm guessing she's going to the party too.

"Harry why are you in my closet?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow.

"I thought I'd help out and get your outfit ready." He says not even looking at me but instead still going through my closet.

"No way," I say knowing what kind of things he'd pick out.

"Yes way." He grins pulling something from his pocket.

I squint my eyes to see what it is but I still can't read it. I grab it from his hand and read it. It's a coupon I made for him for his birthday when we were 12.

"Harry I made this a long time ago! How do you still have this?" I question.

"I keep everything you give me. Anyway the coupon says that you'll let me pick out your outfit for one day." He smirks. I examine the card seeing he's right.

"You suck," I say sitting at the end of my bed.

"This is gonna be your best look yet." He tells me waving his hands around.

"You're an idiot." I shake my head.

"Why thank you." He smiles putting his hand over his heart.

"Ahhh this is the one." He says pulling out a dress.

It's gorgeous. It's a sparkly silver dress that hangs down at the top to show cleavage. It's so pretty. My eyes widen. I jump up and snatch it from his hands. He smirks at me as I run into the bathroom and try it on. It fits me perfectly. It looks so good. I would take myself out on a date if I looked like this.

I walk out the bathroom and both Harry and Lauren's eyes widen.

"What, do I look ugly?" I ask worriedly.

"No...not at all.." Lauren shakes her head.

"Yeah look amazing." Harry says.

"Breathtaking." Lauren says correcting Harry.

Then I realize I never bought this dress. I never bought anything that even looked remotely close to this.

"I don't remember buying this..." I say confused to how it got into my closet. I notice Harry smiling and looking down.

"Harry, do you know how this got in my closet?" I say stepping closer to him.

"No.." he says his eyes not meeting mine.

"Liar. You put it in there didn't you?" I ask, holding back a smile.

"Maybe.." he says smirking now.

"Harry I fucking love you!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm glad you like it Ellie." He laughs shyly.

"I love you so much." I tell him kissing his cheek.

"I love you too." He chuckles.

We are finally at the party and I'm so excited. I absolutely love this dress. I look to my side where Harry is. He's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones band tee. He looks amazing even though that's what he always wears.

"Let's get some drinks!" I tell Harry. Lauren was with us but she met up with Zayn a bit ago.

Harry grabs my hand dragging me through all the people and into the kitchen area. He tosses me a drink and grabs one for himself.

"Cheers." He says as we both take a big sip.

"Now let's go dance," I say taking his hand.

"Yeah!" Harry cheers.

We make it to the dancefloor and a new song comes on. Harry and I dance like fools but nobody notices because they're too drunk or making out. Then the next songs that comes on makes my heartbeat quicken. It's one of the songs Liam and I would always dance to at these parties. I stop where I am and fight the urge to cry. Harry notices and touches my arm softly. All I can hear is my own heartbeat.

I just had to ruin everything with me and Liam. If I didn't I would be here with him, dancing with him. But I'm not and I never will be again. I run away from the crowd and Harry. I find a room nobody in and sink down to the floor. I let all the tears out.

I miss him. I miss him so much. Why is this so hard? Why can't I do one thing without Liam popping into my head. The door opens and Harry walks in. Once he sees the tears streaming down my face he rushes over swinging the door closed behind him. He wraps his strong arms around me and I let myself cry into his chest.

"Ellie...what's going on?" He asks softly.

"I-I- that was the song Liam and I always danced to together at's too much Harry." I sob into his chest. 

"Oh..I'm sorry I should of never brought you here." He apologizes.

"It's not your fault. I thought it would be fun too." I say.

"I wish I could make you feel better. It kills me seeing you like this." He says more to himself then to me.

"No Harry, I brought this on myself. It's my fault Liam and I broke up." I say pulling away from him.

"No Ellie it's not. From what you told can't control how you feel about people." He says. He whispers something under his breath that I can't quite make out.

"I know..but I just can't help thinking that if I didn't have feelings for someone other than him then we'd still be together." I cry.

He leans forwards wiping my tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

"Don't ever blame yourself. There is no way you could of stopped feelings for someone else. So stop it El." He tells me. I nod my head slightly and fall back into his arms again.

"Can we just go home?" I ask looking up at him.

"Anything you want." He nods.

What a fun night.

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