Chapter Fifthteen

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Today is the day of the frat house party. I agreed that I'd get drunk at this party so I'm looking forwards to that. I swear if I end up in a pool because nobody was watching me though. I decide to wear a sparkly black dress and a pair of matching heels. I do a smoky eye too. I hear a car horn outside and know Liam's here. I grab my phone and go out to meet him.

"Hey you look nice." He says as I get inside the car.

"Thanks." I say, buckling my seat belt. 

"Just a warning I'm getting wasted." I laugh.

"Harry's idea?" 

"Yup." I say.

"Alright then." He says. 

We arrive at the frat house and go inside. I look around and already feel excited for tonight. Liam arm slides around my waist as we make our way through the party and into the kitchen. I find Harry and leave Liam's side to give him a hug. He smells the same as always making me feel at home.

"Hiii! Are you ready for tonight?" I ask excitedly. 

"Duh! This is gonna be so much fun." Harry says. He turns around and grabs me a drink. He hands it to me with a grin.

"Alright drink one!" I say taking the whole drink.

"And most likely many many more to go." Liam says. 

"There sure will be!" Harry whoops. I laugh at him and take another drink.

"Tonight's gonna be fun." I smirk.


"Harry?" I say walking around the house. "Oh Harryyyy." I stumble a bit and fall but someone catches me. 

I laugh and look at the person, Liam. "Hi Li."

"I thought Harry was keeping an eye on you?" He says.

"Harry went potty." I whisper. 

"Ahh. Well we're gonna get going home now. You need some sleep." He tells me, taking my hand.

"Nooo! I haven't found Harry yet!" I say digging my feet into the ground as he pulls me. 

"Ellie it's fine you'll see him tomorrow." Liam says.

"But I wanna hug him." I pout.

"You can do it tomorrow now come on." He says. I refuse still and he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

He takes us outside to the car. He opens the passenger side and puts me in. I buckle my seat belt myself with my arms crossing straight after. It's not fair. He gets in the other side and starts the car. 

Soon enough we are at Liam's. He gets out and comes to help me but I get out myself, mad at him for making me leave. He rolls his eyes and walks to the front door, opening it up.

"Here I'll grab you some clothes." He says setting his keys down and walking off.

 I look around even though I've been here many times before. I grab the pepper and just feel like sniffing it, so I do. That results in me sneezing. I here footsteps and Liam comes into the kitchen with some clothes in his hand. 

"Here go change in my room and I'll be in there in a minute." He tells me. I take the clothes from him and slowly walk to his room.

I change into them and grab my phone off the nightstand I put it on. I dial Harry's number but it goes to voicemail. 

"Harryyy I miss your face! I'm gonna see you tomorrow okay? I don't care if you want to see me or not-"

"Ellie?" I hear Liam's voice say approaching the room.

"Gotta go my Dad's coming." I say hanging up. Liam comes into the room wearing some sweats and a tee.

"Yeah?" I say, sitting on the bed. He walks to his side and gets on the bed.

"Are you ready for bed?" He asks.

"I you think Harry's asleep yet?" I ask curious to what he's doing.

He sighs, "I don't know and I honestly don't care." 

"Rude." I say under my breath. He covers us both with the comforter and turns the lights off. 

"Goodnight Ellie." He says.

"Night." I say. 


I send the 50th message to Harry as I sit in the dark in Liam's room. I just want Harry to text me back. It's been two hours since Liam and I went to bed and I haven't slept a bit. The alcohol is really starting to affect me. I just wanna lay down and sleep but with Harry not Liam.

"Ellie? Why are you awake?" Liam says in a groggy voice. I guess I must of woken him up.

"Why won't Harry answer me? I just wanna see him ugh." I groan turning the phone off.

"You know what, if you really wanna see him so bad let's go." He says throwing the covers off. 

"Wait really?" I say jumping up from the bed. 

"Let's go." He says.

We drive down to the other side of campus where Harry's dorm is and knock on the door. Of course he doesn't answer. Finally as Liam goes to knock for the millionth time the door opens. Louis stands there all sleepy eyed with bed head.

"Liam? Ellie? What are you doing here so late?" He asks.

"Well Ellie just wanted to see Harry that bad." Liam scoffs. 

"Oh..well Ellie you can come in." Louis says opening the door wider for me.

"Bye, I'm leaving." Liam says coldly and walks off to his car. 

"Someones in a bad moooddd." I laugh. 

Louis smiles a little, "Go on, Harry's sleeping but I'm sure you'll wake him up." 

"Yay! Thanks Lou oh and sorry for waking you up!" I say giving him a hug and running to Harry's room.

I go into his room and all the lights are off and I hear the sound of Harry's quiet snores. I run and jump onto his bed making it shake. He groans, rolling over.

"What? Ellie?" He says in that hot sleepy voice, slightly opening his eyes.

"I wanted to see you." I smile. 

"What time is it?" He asks. 

"Like 4 am." I shrug.

"Why are you here-wait did you actually get drunk?" He chuckles.

"Maybe..." I grin. 

"You're crazy," He laughs. 

I take off my shoes and snuggle up to him. He lays on his stomach so I wrap my arm around his waist. He puts his arm around my neck making our faces very close. I finally get the chance to fall asleep. 

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