Chapter Twenty Eight

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Liam texted me later that night and asked if we could hang out tomorrow. I said yes. I really did miss him as a person and I hope he knows I'm not looking to mend our broken relationship. I just wanna be friends.

"Harryyyyy," I whine.

"Yes darling?" He says coming into the room.

"Are you okay with me hanging out with Liam tomorrow?" I ask.


"I figured we could still be friends," I say.

He sits beside me, looking down at his lap.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"You're not gonna go back to him are you?" He says looking up at me with sad eyes. It broke me.

"No....Harry I love you too much to leave. Don't you ever think I would." I say scooting into his lap.

I hug him tightly and he hugs me back, burying his face in my neck.

"I love you," he says but it sounds muffled.

"I love you too," I say.

We sit there for a while just like that. In each other's arms. No talking, just hugging.

I pull back a bit and give him a soft kiss.

"Did you call our parents and tell them we're coming home this weekend?" I ask him.

"Yeah, they're excited." He says.

Today Liam and I are hanging out. I'm really excited. We decided to meet at the pizza shop. So that's where I am now, sitting in a booth waiting for Liam.

I hear the bell ring and look up to see Liam walk in with a smile as he sees me. He comes over sitting across from me.

"Hey!" He says.

"Hi." I smile.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Really good, how about you?"

"I've been decent," he says.

"That's good. I'm glad to see you again." I smile.

"Me too." He nods.

We eat our food and decide to go for a walk afterwards.

"I'm glad that we're able to be friends after our breakup." I say.

"Yeah.." he agrees.

"Hey let's sit down," he suggests pointing to a bench. I nod and follow him to the bench sitting down.

"So Ellie...I need to tell you something but I don't quite know how you'll react to it..." He tells me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I uhm I..." He finishes his sentence by kissing me. I immediately pull away and furrow my brows at him.

"What the hell Liam!" I say standing up.

"What? Why are you so upset?" He says confused. I forgot to mention that Harry and I are together now.

"I probably should of told you sooner but I have a boyfriend." I say.

His face falls. "Is it Harry?" He asks.

I nod, "Yes...and I promise there was nothing going on with Harry and I while we were together but I think I've been in love with him for a long time and I just couldn't admit to myself that I loved him." I explain.

"I should of known....I'm sorry for kissing you...I uh got to go..." He says looking down.

"Wait Liam-"

"No it's fine..bye Ellie." He says before walking away.

Shit. What do I tell Harry...

I get home to my dorm and see Harry's here. I know I have to tell him but I don't wanna hurt his feelings. If it were the other way around id be hurt.

"Babyyyyyy," Harry calls out. I walk into my room where he's laying on my bed.

He smiles once he sees me and opens his arms for a hug. I put my keys and phone down and jump onto the bed next to him letting him hug me.

"I missed you," he says into my hair.

"I missed you too, give me a kiss." I say looking up at him.

He chuckles and pecks my lips softly.

"How did things go with Liam?" He asks.

"Oh uhm pretty good...but I need to tell you something." I say sitting up. He does the same.

"Okay, what is it?" He asks.

"Liam kind of kissed me...but he didn't know we were together yet because I hadn't told him yet and I pulled away as soon as it happened." I tell him.

"That fucker kissed you?" He says getting angry.

"Harry, it's fine I pulled away and he didn't know." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell him? Did you want him to kiss you or something Ellie?" He asks.

"No no, I would never do that Harry. It just slipped my mind and I was afraid he would think that me and you were doing things behind his back while we were together." I say.

"Why would he think that?"

"Harry remember how I told you Liam and I broke up because he thought I was in love with someone else?" He nods. "That someone was you."

"Oh...that makes sense why he would think that then...I'm sorry for getting angry love." He apologizes.

"It's okay, it's not your fault I understand Haz." I say hugging him.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I say as he kisses my forehead.

Today Harry and I are heading home to tell our parents we're together. I don't know how we're gonna tell them but I thought it would be funny to be really flirty and just see if they catch on.

"Harry, you ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah, coming." I hear him say and be soon walks into the room.

We get into the car once our bags are put in the back and leave. I'm honestly really excited to tell our parents. Harry's open hand is laced with mine, resting in my lap. It's so nice but weird to experience these things couples do with Harry because not even a week ago we were just best friends. I love every moment of being with him though.

About an hour later we arrive at our parents house. We're having dinner tonight so we're thinking to tell them then.

"I'll see you tonight at dinner," I say leaning across the car to kiss him.

"I love you." He says pecking my lips.

"I love you too." I smile.

I get out of the car and grab my bags from the trunk. He grabs his and I give him a quick hug before we walk separate way's. I open the door to the house and set my bags down.

"I'm home!" I shout. Soon my parents appear into the room and hug me.

"We've missed you!" My mom says.

"I missed you guys too," I say.

"Well why don't you get settled in and you can fill us in on everything going on in your life right now." My dad smiles.

I nod and head up to my room with my bags.

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