Chapter Forty One

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After yesterday I've been so tired. Harry kept me up all night before that then fucked me in the morning and then I had to go mini golfing so today I'm relaxing.

Right now, I'm in the store buying some snacks for my peaceful day that I have ahead of me.

I walk down the ice cream isle in search of my favorite brownie ice cream. I feel someone tap my shoulder making me turn around. It's Olivia.

"I've been looking for you. Boyfriend stealer." She glares at me.

I roll my eyes. "What are you, a ten year old?"

She scowls at me. "Harry broke up with me because of you and his stupid feelings for you."

"I would say I'm sorry but I'm not so...if you'd excuse me I'm just gonna go now." I say turning around.

I jump when hands wrap around my arms harshly. I look up and gasp in fear and shock.

"Tommy," I say.

"Hey there beautiful. Miss me?" He chuckles keeping his firm grip on me.

"Let me go." I say attempting to jerk away from his hold but fail.

"I don't think so. We have things to do." He smirks.

"Olivia tell him to fucking let me go now. I don't know what the hell you two are doing but this isn't going to win Harry back." I say.

"Oh Harry isn't going to know. If you tell him I'll make sure much worse happens to him." She says.

"Let's go." Tommy says grabbing my wrist and pulling me through the store.

I look back to see Olivia waving to me with a stupid grin on her face.

Im pulled into the men's bathroom and slammed up against the wall.

(A/n- this next part could be triggering to some so if this bothers you I suggest skipping over it.)

"Tommy please let me go. You don't have to listen to her." I plead.

"Oh but I want to listen to her." He says. "You deserve all of this."

Tears form in my eyes as he grabs both my wrist with one hand and pins them above my head. He squeezes my breasts in his hands. Tears are flowing freely down my face now regretting even coming here.

"Stop!" I cry. "Don't touch me!"

He smacks me across the face harshly. I let out a cry in pain and sink to the floor.

"Get back up. And stay quiet." He says through gritted teeth.

I shakily stand up, silently crying.

He grabs my hips, his fingers digging into them making me wince. He unzips his pants making my eyes widen. No no no he can't do this to me. He can't.

"Please no, Tommy please." I beg desperately.

"I told you to stay quiet. This is your fault now, I warned you." He whisper yells.

He raises his fist and before I know it I'm out cold.

I wake up feeling cold tile beneath me. I sit up wincing in pain. My head hurts. I start to remember what happen and scramble to my feet looking in the mirror. I gasp in horror when I see a huge black bruise on my cheek from where Tommy punched me.  Shit how do I cover that up, it's huge.

I bite my lip as a tear escapes and rolls down my face. What did he do to me? I look down at the bruises on my wrist, and cry harder. This is all her fault. I pull my pants down slightly to see the bruises left on my hips.

I take a few deep breaths grabbing a paper towel and wiping the tears from my face. I leave the bathroom wincing at every step I take. I throw my hood up over my head in attempt to hide the bruise. I pull out my phone dialing Harry's number.

I won't tell him, I can't. But I don't wanna be alone right now. I need him.

"Hello?" He answers on the first ring.

"Hey, can you come over? I'll be home in a bit." I ask him.

"Yeah of course. Are you okay? You sound upset." He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you in a few." I say trying to sound happier.

"Okay, I'll be waiting. Bye." He says.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and drive home.

Once I get there I find Harry in my room. He's laying on my best on his phone. I grab my makeup bag quickly and rush into the bathroom.

I hear him knock at the door probably wondering why I rushed in here.

"Ellie, you okay?" He asks sounding worried.

"Yeah I'm just got my period so...I needed to clean up you know." I make up a lie.

"Oh, okay. Do you need anything?" He asks.

Can't he just be not caring for just one second? It's making not telling him so much harder.

"Nope I'm all good. Why don't you turn on a show and I'll be right out." I tell him.

"Okay," he replies and then I don't hear him anymore.

I sigh and unzip my makeup bag. I quickly cover up the bruise the best I can. I turn my head looking into the mirror, inspecting it. You can't even tell it's there with the makeup on thankfully. I do the same to my wrists and flush the toilet so he doesn't suspect anything.

I come out of the bathroom and crawl into bed next to Harry. As soon as I see him I want to cry and tell him everything but I hold it back for his own good.

I get under the covers and lay on top of Harry, hugging him tightly. I feel safe unlike how I felt earlier.

"Are you okay El?" He asks, his chest vibrating beneath me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just missed you thats all..." I say.

That's not entirely a lie. I did miss him and I do even more now that that happened.

He holds me tightly, making me feel secure and protected which is what I need right now.

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