Chapter Thirty Six

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"Alright I'll see you soon Ashton." I smile waving goodbye to the red haired boy.

"Bye!" He says as I walk away.

Today I'm going home for the week. I'm not really looking forward to it because of obvious reasons but I'm not gonna let that ruin for me. Nina invited me to come to a summer party she's throwing and I think I might just go.

As for who Ashton is, he's a guy I've been talking to. He's told me he likes me and I've told him that I'm not quite sure how I feel. He's been my best friend these past two months. He lives in my apartment complex too which is nice. College will be starting back up in a week too. Not really looking forward to that.

I head down to my apartment which isn't far from Ashtons. Once I'm inside I grab my already packed suitcases and head out the door. I pack my suitcases into my truck and head onto the road.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm really nervous to go back home. It's only because of Harry of course. I think I'm finally getting over him. It was really hard the first month. I lost my best friend and boyfriend and it was really difficult. But I had Lauren and Zayn to pick me up and later on Ashton. I would like to say Harry and I could of stayed friends, but he and I know that just wouldn't work out.

After an hour of driving, I'm here. I look across the street and see Harry's car parked in the driveway. He's home. I take a deep breathe and get out of the car. I leave my suitcases there, I can grab them later. I walk up to the door and walk inside. I'm hit the familiar smell of vanilla that our homes always smelled like. I smile to myself and set my keys down on the small table by the door.

I hear chatter in the kitchen and head there. When I walk in I fail to hide my smile thats just dropped. He's not at his house. He's here. Along with Anne and Robin too. They all stop talking once I walk in. My Mother's face brightens and she hurrys to give me a hug.

"Ellie! We're so happy to see you!" Anne says as I pull away from my Mother.

"Well I'm here." I laugh hugging her.

I hug Robin and my Dad after.

"How was the drive here?" Robin asks.

"It was decent. I just listened to music most of time." I replied.

He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Harry, why don't you go help El bring her bags in." Anne suggests.

Harry looks at me and back to his Mother who gives him a stern look. He walks over to me and I start walking to the door. We don't say anything as we get out to my car. I pop open the trunk. I grab my smaller bag and Harry's grabs my suitcase.

"Are you just gonna ignore me this whole week?" He asks standing in front of me.

"Was planning on it, yeah." I say honestly.

"Why? Why can't things just be normal?" He said.

"You know why Harry." I say before walking around him and into the house.

I close the door behind me, not caring that Harry's coming. I head up the stairs and into my childhood bedroom. I set my bag down on my bed and let my eyes wander the familiar room I haven't seen in a while. I find myself standing in front of my picture collage wall, looking at photos of my teenage self.

The wall mostly filled with photos of Harry and I, making my heart hurt a little more knowing that friendship was lost. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see Harry also looking at the wall. He only looks for moment before he looks down and sets my suitcase onto my bed.

"Thanks," I say softly.

He nods with a forced smile and leaves me alone.

I finished showering, and headed downstairs to find my Mother and Anne talking on the couch.

"Hi Ellie! Come sit hun!" Anne insisted.

I walked over to them, taking a seat on the chair.

"So, what's been going on in your life recently?" My Mum asks.

"Well, I've been talking to this guy. His name is Ashton. He's told me he likes me but I don't know if I like him back, you know?" I say.

"Hopefully he's nicer than Harry's girlfriend. She acts so fake and I don't think she knows I notice." Anne chuckles.

My heart pings with jealously. I knew this day was gonna come I just didn't expect it to be now.

"Oh...he has a girlfriend?" I say..

"Mhm," Anne hums taking a sip of her tea.

"Her names Olivia." My Mother says.

I freeze. Olivia? He went back to her? After everything.

"Im gonna go up to my room now, it was nice talking to you." I force a smile.

I go to my room, shutting the door and sitting on my bed. I look at the pictures on my wall, eyes landing on Harry's photo.

What happened to the old Harry. I miss him. I miss my best friend. But he's not my Harry anymore. He's changed. And I'm not gonna cry over him.

I take a few deep breaths and decide to call Ashton. He picks up on on 3rd ring.

"Hey!" He answers cheerily.

"Hey Ash." I say.

"What's wrong? You sound upset." He asks noticing my tone of voice.

I sigh. "So you know how I told you I wasn't sure how I felt about you?"


"Well, I think I know now. Remember my ex, Harry?" I ask.

"Yeah I Remember him." He says in an unimpressed tone knowing everything that happened between us.

"So...uhm I saw him today and I thought it would be fine if I did but-"

"You still have feelings for him." He finishes my sentence.

"'d you know?"

"I could tell by the way you talked about him. I knew you were never gonna be ready to date me and thats okay." He says.

"Thank you for understanding really. I was afraid you'd he upset." I lightly laugh.

He chuckles. "Nope, not mad."

"Well in that case, would you wanna come out here tomorrow and come to a party with me tomorrow? Harry's gonna be there with Olivia." I explain.

"He's with her again?" He sounds disgusted.

"Mhm." I say.

"Okay I'll be there. See you tomorrow." He says.

"Bye Ashton." I say.

"Bye." He says hanging up.

I throw my phone down onto my bed and lay back. Today's been stressful.

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