chapter thirty eight

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I dance with Ashton, our hips swaying side to side and our foreheads pressed together. The red lights making everything seem more intense.

I slightly glance at Harry making sure it's not obvious. He's trying to make it look like he's not looking but he is. Then, something flashes in his eyes, as if he knows what im trying to do.

He presses his lips to Olivia's and starts making out with her. I scrunch my face in disgust remembering I just kissed his lips that she's been kissing. Ew...

Two can play at that game Harry.

I grab Ashtons jaw and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. He doesn't kiss back at first, being in shock that I kissed him. Soon enough though, he starts kissing back. I pull away after a bit and see Harry and Olivia are gone. That doesn't mean I'm done.

I press my lips to his once again. His instantly kisses back this time as I push him out of the crowd and into a hallway. His hands cup my face as I kiss him.

I pull away breathless. "Thank you."

"For what?" He whispers.

"For doing all this for me. I don't deserve you to be this kind." I say closing my eyes and letting my head hang.

"You do deserve it. I think I know now I only have friend feelings for you. So if you're feeling bad about all this, dont." He tells me.

"That makes me feel a bit better. But fuck my heart really hurts right now." I choke on my words.

He hand lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him.

"He doesn't deserve you. Not one bit. Don't waste your precious tears on him sweatheart." He says wiping what tears were forming.

I nod leaning into his hand. "I wanna go home now."

He chuckles softly. "We've been drinking so let's just go find a room."

I follow him into and empty room and flop down onto the bed. Soon I'm passed out.


Ashton left about and hour ago and I've just finished showering because tonight we have a family dinner. Yes with Harry too. I walk out of my bathroom connected to my room, a towel wrapped around my body securely. I jump when I see Harry sitting on my bed.

"Why the hell are you in my room Harry?" I roll my eyes holding my towel tighter around me.

He chuckles looking me up and down.

"I just wanted to talk." He says.

"Well I don't." I say walking past him to my dresser.

I hear my bed squeak as he gets up and walks up behind me. Shivers go down my spine at our close position.

"You seemed like you wanted to talk to me last night." He whispers into my ear, his voice low and husky.

I swallow, feeling nervous all the sudden. I feel his hands on my waist and his body pressed to mine from behind.

"Harry, you have a girlfriend." I whisper turning around to face him.

"I'll break up with her." He says simply.


He cuts me off. "Just kiss me."

I can't resist any longer and kiss him since he gave me the go anyway. I fist his hair in my hand while pushing him back onto my bed with the other hand. He lays flat with me on top of him in only a towel.

His hands grip my ass as he starts kissing my neck. My mouth falls open at the feeling. Our lips clash together again, messy and full of tongue. I start to grind against him purposely and he let's a muffled groan out into my mouth. I smirk against his lips.

"We should stop." I say breathless with my forehead resting against his.

"I don't want to ever stop El." He says.

Fuck, he sounds so hot it's so hard to resist right now.

"I have to get ready." I say getting off of him.

He sits up with a smirk on his lips.

"I'll see you at dinner." He says before leaving.

I smile to myself. That's my Harry. But where has he been?

I hurry and finish getting ready for dinner and rush downstairs. Everyone is sat at the dining table talking. Harry spots me first and sends a wink my way making me blush. I go and sit beside him at the table which Is my usual spot.

"Finally you're ready, you took forever." My Mom says.

I laugh. "I was having trouble getting my makeup to look right." I lie.

She nods. "Sounds like you."

Anne and my mom go into the kitchen to bring the food out soon after. I feel Harry's hand grab mine under the table. I lace my hand with his. I wouldn't normally let this happen but I'm taking what I can get of the Harry I used to know. As for what happens after this, I have no idea. But what I do know is I'm not ready to just forget everything that's happened.

I look at him to see he's smiling at me. I send him a small smile back as our mothers come back in.

I haven't been able to sleep all night. All I can think about is what happened with Harry and I earlier. He told me he would break up with Olivia for me, that's a big thing.

I throw the covers off me and get out of bed. I go to my closet and grab a hoodie. Once it's on I tip toe downstairs making sure not to wake anyone. It's literally 3 in the morning.

I walk out to the field I like to go to to think. When I get there i see someone's already there. Harry. I sit beside him making his head turn.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He asks.

"Couldn't sleep..." I answer. "Why are you out here?"

He shrugs. "Needed to think."

I nod.

"Listen..." he says. "I'm really sorry for everything that happened."

I play with the grass, twirling it between my two fingers as I wait for him to continue.

"All summer all I've done is miss you. What I did was fucked up and I regret all of it. If I could take it back I would." He admits.

"Really? You're actually sorry?" I ask.

He nods. "Of course I am. I lost the best thing in my life."

The best thing in his life. I was that thing...and he was mine.

"Then why are you dating Olivia?" I ask out of curiosity and jealousy.

He looks up to the sky guiltily.

"She was there for me when we broke up and I guess I wanted to have a distraction from you." He answers.

Just hearing that she was who comforted him through our break up hurts. It used to be me comforting him. Now it's her.

I feel tears start to form in my eyes and I look down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He says sounding concerned.

I shake my head and don't answer him. If I talk I'll cry. I can't cry I won't be able to stop.

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