Chapter Forty

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"Ellie get up, we're going mini golfing today remember?" My Mum says shaking me awake.

After last night I was so exaughsted and I guess I slept through my alarm. I was too tired to even walk so Harry had to dress me and carry me back.

"I'll be down there in 10." I groan rolling over.

"You better be. We have 30 minutes til we leave." She informs me.

She leaves my room shutting the door behind her.

I yawn getting out of bed and going into my bathroom. I brush my teeth and then go to my closet to pick out and outfit. I change into a pair of denim shorts with rips and a black cropped tank top. I decide not to do any makeup today.

There's a knock at my door so I go to it. I open the door to be met with Harry. He instantly attaches his lips to mine while shutting the door behind him.

"Harry, we don't have time for this." I say.

He looks down at me with a grin on his face, his bright green eyes shining.

"Give me 10 minutes." He whispers pecking my lips.

I consider the offer in my head as Harry kisses my neck convincingly.

"Okay, 10 minutes and that's it." I agree.

He smirks pushing me against the bathroom door. He yanks my shorts down along with my underwear. I gasp when his finger starts to rub me quickly.

"Kissing made you that wet already darling?" He whispers against my ear.

I hold onto his shoulders for support when he pushes two fingers into me. I Bite my lip trying not to moan.

"Holy shit Harry." I pant in his ear.

He pumps them into me at a quick pace, trying to keep his word of 10 minutes. His thumb works on my clit while he curls his fingers inside me.

He connects our lips again, his tongue sliding into my mouth. I let him in, feeling on top of the world right now. If my Mother knew what was going on in here she'd be furious. She may want us together but I don't think she wants us fucking in her house.

"I need you, please." I plead.

He smirks at the words and runs his finger across my lip and down to hold my chin.

"Beg for it baby." He demands.

"Harry c'mon. We don't have time for this." I whine. He crosses his arms stubbornly.

"Please fuck me Harry, please let me feel you." I give in.

His eyes darken with lust, getting off to me begging. I look down and notice his hard erection through his jeans.

He unzips them and pulls them down, his boxers with them. His cock springs up against his shirt. He picks me up and sets me onto my vanity. He pulls his phone out and checks the time.

"10 minutes. Think you can do it baby?" He ask tucking hair behind my ear.

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat out of anticipation. He lines himself up with me and pushes into me slowly. The slowness doesn't last long before he's quickly thrusting into me making the vanity shake as he does so.

I grip his forearms that are holding my hips. He dips his head down and kisses me slowly but hungrily. My stomach is doing flips as he slams into me with no mercy.

I bite my lip to hold back a moan.

"I can't be quiet Harry." I warn him.

"Shit...uhm here open your mouth." He instructs.

I do as he says and he reaches down to grab one of my shirts off the ground that I wore to bed and flattens it before tying it around my head. His lips turn up into a smirk, enjoying seeing me like this.

I feel him hit every single spot in me, my moaning muffled into the shirt. I toss my head back and close my eyes feeling my stomach knot.

"You're close baby, huh?" He asks noticing my change in body language.

I nod frantically. He starts going faster trying to push me over the edge and it works. I let go and he does soon after. He sighs tossing his head back breathing heavily.

"Ellie you're taking forever." I hear my Moms voice on the stairs.

"Shit," Harry says, his voice filled with panic.

He quickly unties the shirt around my head and pulls my pants up before tucking himself back in. I quickly fix my hair int he vanity mirror so it's not suspicious.

The door opens and my mom's stands there with her hands on her hips.

"Let's go you two." She demands. "Harry, I sent you up here to get her to hurry up not make her take longer."

"Sorry, we got distracted." He apologizes.

"Well c'mon we gotta get going." She says turning around and goes downstairs.

Harry kisses me one more time before we follow my mum downstairs. We get into the car where everyone's waiting for us. Harry and I go all the way to the backseat with Anne and My Mum infront of us and Robin and my Dad driving.

We leave the house and start driving on our way to mini golf.

"That was a close one." Harry whispers.

"Ya think? That was your fault by the way." I laugh quietly.

"Oh come on. Not entirely. You were literally begging for me." He smirks.

I roll my eyes playfully at him. "Because you asked me too and were being stubborn." I say.

"Oh please, you begged because you wanted me that bad. Otherwise you would of just said no." He winks.

I laugh at him.

"You two seem to be getting along good." Anne says turning around to look at us.

I nod. "Yeah, we're friends again."

She smiles. "I'm glad."

I yawn leaning back and resting my head on Harrys shoulder.

"You made me tired, jerk." I say.

"But you love me." He says.

"That I do." I agree.

We haven't said the big 'I love you yet'. I just feel like it's not right to say it that way anymore since we're technically broken up. So to me, that was in a friend way. I don't know how Harry meant it though.

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