chapter 1

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a/n: before you read this story know there is mature content, abuse, and cussing. there are mentions of r@pe/sexual assault, self harm, murder/torture. lilith is 17 at the start and dean is 22 so if you don't like age gaps or anything else mentioned this story isn't for you. there are NO WARNINGS for anything also it is a little fast paced.

to everyone who is okay with reading about that then enjoy🖤

(chapter 1)

a/n: picture up top is lilith's house

(15 year old lilith)

"we have to quit doing this?" i say looking at devan and dalton who are laying on each side of me.

"i agree." dalton says.

"why? we haven't been caught yet." devan say sitting up.

"you're not the one sneaking out every night to come lay on a roof." he says looking passed devan and i and the direction of his house next door.

it was around 2am and we were currently laying on my roof. we had been doing this for about a month now and dalton, being paranoid, was scared to be caught by his parents. he had no problem being brought home in the back of a cop car two days ago though.

"you really think they'll care?" devan says.

"that i lied yeah, not that i'm over here." dalton says still looking at his house.

dalton is six months younger than me and has been my best friend since he was born. our mom's met in college and have been best friends since.

devan on the other hand is six months older than me and is my cousin. he lives about 30 minutes away but since it's summer he's practically living at my house.

"pussy." devan mumbles and i hit him.

"fuck off devan." i tell him. devan and dalton have always fought. devan's a dick and dalton knows that if he says anything and it turns physical devan could beat his ass but me, i had no problem putting both boys in there place when they're being stupid.

"not my fault he's scared."

"you would be too if you were in his position. uncle D would murder you for lying." devan was quiet after that because he knows i'm right.

"you leaving tomorrow?" dalton asks eating a dorito that we brought up here.

"yeah sadly." i sigh and start messing with my rings. i do that when i'm upset or i spin my ear rings.

dalton was asking me about going to my dad's tomorrow. i don't even consider him my dad. i call him mike, not to his face of course he would be pissed if i did but to everyone else i do. that man- scratch that boy has made my life a living hell.

"i just want to leave this stupid fuckin state. i wanna go the farthest place from here." i tell them.

"that'd be california without leaving america." devan says.

"we should go to LA." dalton suggests.

"or we should get jobs." devan suggests.

"yeah work all the time by the time we're 18 we'll have enough money to leave." dalton says.

"so that's our plan huh? work out asses off and then dip." i ask and both boys nod. "y'all are stupid."

"no but actually it's a great idea." dalton says and nudges my arm.

"i'm down, lilith?" devan says and both boys look at me. i think for a minute before i start to nod and they smile.

"i'm down." i say.

"where we gonna work?" devan asks me.

"we can't drive red robin would be the closest." i say.

"alright we'll go tomorrow and get applications. they're also short staffed last time we were there so we have a good chance at getting jobs." dalton says.

"i hope so." i say messing with my rings again. dalton and devan grab my hands and pull them apart.

"quit stressing it will be fine. now let's get back inside since someone is scared to get caught." devan says looking at dalton. dalton rolls his eyes and while devan and i climb back through my window, dalton climbs off the roof using the porch pole. his house is next door but we have a few acres of land and woods around our house so my neighbors houses aren't that close to mine.

once devan and i are inside he goes to the spare room and i lay in my bed with my doberman, ghost. he lays next to me and i cuddle him going to sleep.

a/n: please lmk what you honestly think throughout the story but please be nice to each other.

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