chapter 15

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(wednesday, april 24th 2019)
"oooh hottie's back." kenny says as he sees dean come into our work. i smile just seeing him and i knew at that moment i was fucked. i'm smiling just from seeing a guy.

i walk away from kenny and to dean's table. dean scoots over in the booth and let's me sit next to him and he wraps his arm around me like it's a completely normal thing to do.

"what are you doin here?" i ask him.

"i can't just come see you?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"typically you cause a scene when i see you in public. also you live in franklin it's a long drive just for a burger." i say and he smirks.

"i won't cause a scene this time but after work i'm coming over to your house." he tells me.

"why?" i ask him.

"you'll see." he says smiling.

"whatever dr. pepper and a cheeseburger with no onions?" i ask him and he nods.

"i wanna kiss you." he says placing his hand on my cheek stroking it. "you're so beautiful."

"no dean, i told you that can't happen." i tell him standing up. "i'm goin to put your food in."

as im putting in dean's food kenny comes into the kitchen.

"did i hear him say something about kissing you?" he asks quietly. "i need an explanation!"

"i really don't got one it just happened saturday night. it was a one time thing because i told him i leave in two month. he's a lot older than me too kenny. it's not goin to go anywhere." i tell him and then make dean's drink before bring it out to him.

"thank you sweetheart." he says. "who's the guys that keeps looking at me?"

"kenny." i tell him. "i'm friends with him. he seen us talkin and wanted to know who you are."

"what did you say?" he asks me.

"that's none of your concern." i tell him.

i wanted to talk to dean but i got seated again so i take the tables order and put it in and get drinks. it was pretty slow since it's 8:45 and we close at 9. since it was close to closing it was just kenny and i left. all the other servers had been cut so they had left.

while waiting on my tables food i do my side work which is to sweep my section, refill the ice, dump out the tea and coffee, and take out the trash.

once all that's done i wash my hands and bring out dean's food. i check on my other table and refill there drinks before bring out there food. i give dean my friends and family discount and then bring him his ticket.

"you didn't have to give me a discount." he tells me handing me his card

"yes i did." i tell him smiling and taking his card.

"darling." dean says as i'm walking away.

he'd definitely tell me to take it off so i don't stop. i swipe his card and print the receipt. i get the other tables ticket ready and bring both out. i give dean his with a pen to fill it out with and his card and then place the other tables ticket down.

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