chapter 8

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a/n: this chapter is so long it's cut into two parts

(lilith's pov, thursday april 11th 2019)
it was now thursday night and i had just finished my homework and was about to go to sleep when dalton texts me.

dalton🙄: tin roofs at 11?

of course he wants to go out.

tin roofs is a bar downtown. being mike's daughter has its perks when wanting into places. mike knows the owner somehow so every time the staff sees the name lucifer on my ID they allow us in.

me: who's all going

dalton🙄: just devan

me: alright i'll come

dalton🙄: good wanna ride together

me: you driving?

dalton🙄: of course

me: then yes

i get changed into jeans, a chevy hoodie, and my boots. i then brush my hair again and throw on my pops chevy hat and call it done. i wasn't trying to impress anyone so i didn't care what i looked like.

dalton🙄: get your ass outside

i look out my window and see dalton standing outside my window. i open it and climb out onto the roof and then slide down the porch pole. dalton and i run to his truck and get in. his truck is loud so as soon as he starts it we have to leave before we wake up either of our parents.

he starts it and puts it in drive and flies out of the driveway.
dalton and i walk in the bar and find devan with three girls.

"hey bro." dalton says dapping devan up. after they greet devan hugs me. i haven't seen him much since we've both been working.

there isn't that many people here since it's a week night but there's enough so that all the attention won't be on us.

i sit by devan and two of the girls glare at me while the third one's attention is on dalton.

"want anything?" devan asks me nodding towards the bar.

"just a water." i tell him. he nods and gets up going to get a drink.

i don't like to drink much, with mike's side of the family being drunks and addicts i didn't want to go down the same path as them so when we have nights out i only have one or two beers if that.

with devan gone and dalton already talking to some girl that left me alone with devan's random girls, who wouldn't quit staring at me.

"who are you?" one of the blondes asks.

"lilith." i mumble.

they gasp and be all dramatic about it. most people knew who i was once i said my first name. who names their kid after a demon? my parents i guess. they also named me after the devil since my middle name is diablo. i guess that made sense with my last name though.

"omg as in lucifer?" the other blonde asks. "you're family is so bad ass."

that was the last thing i ever wanted to hear. devan comes back a few seconds later and sits down giving me my water.


"welcome." devan says and then smirks at the girls. i zone out of there conversation and look around the bar. i lock eyes with a guy with medium length blonde hair. he looks familiar and then i remember he was the guy with dean at the shop. his name's vinnie, i'm pretty sure. i hope dean isn't here somewhere, i don't want to see him. i look away from vinnie after a few seconds.

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