chapter 7

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(liltih's pov, monday april 8th 2019)

i hate waking up early with a passion.

i woke up earlier then i even needed and then couldn't go back to sleep. i decided to just get up thirty minutes early so after i had gotten ready and fed the dogs, i went to dunkin. i got me a coffee and dalton a donut before heading to school.

i sat in the school parking lot for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes before dalton pulled in next to me. he had his friends AJ and chase in the car with him. chase was cool but AJ was a six year old in a seventeen year olds body.

i got out of the truck and walked to dalton's to give him his donut.

"AJ get in the back." dalton says. AJ complains but eventually moves back there so i can sit upfront.

"what's this?" he asks as i hand him the dunkin back. he opens it and then gasps.

"you didn't get us nothin?" chase asks jokingly.

"wasn't aware yall would be here." i tell him and he pouts.

"can i at least have a drink of your coffee?" he asks and i hand it to him. he takes a drink of it and then makes a weird face. "that's gross." he says handing it back.

"well i didn't get it to meet your standards." i tell him taking my coffee back. AJ was being quiet which only meant he was thinking of something annoying to do. he then stabs the back of my neck with a pen. "adrian justin moore!" i yell.

"damn the government name!" chase says teasingly leaning over dalton's seat and taking a bite of his donut.
first period is english and i had a test so that was great. she didn't even tell us we were having the test or she did and i didn't pay attention either way i made a 67 on it.

second period i had art and we had a substitute so we just sat there on our phones the whole time.

third period is calculus and my teacher just went over a powerpoint before letting us go to lunch. i didn't exactly pay attention to the powerpoint since the guy i sit next to, sebastian, kept taking my goldfish and eating them. once he had ate them all he then told me to hold out my hand and my dumbass did so he dumped the crumbs in my hand so then i threw them at him.

for lunch dalton and i went to a pizza place down the road from school. we aren't technically allowed to leave for lunch but no one really cares. if they didn't want use leaving they shouldn't have given us 45 minutes for lunch. it's not like i leave all the time though. i normally sit with dalton, chase, michael, and my friend maddie.

maddie is the only girl i'm friends with and i met her in 7th grade because ashley knows her older sister.

forth period is astronomy and i take a nap in that class.

fifth period is mechanics and we are currently learning about radiators.

sixth period is government and my teacher makes us read out of a text book and fill out a paper about something.
as the clocks hit 3:15 the last bell rings and everyone rushes out of class. i run to my truck and get in line trying to get out of the school parking lot before it gets too backed up. i make it out at 3:30 and hurry home to be able to make it to work at 4:15. as i drive up my driveway i see dean's stupid audi R8 in my driveway. i sigh and park my truck in the grass getting out and grabbing my backpack.

"what the hell are you doing here dean? my mom could have been home!" i yell at him as he gets out of his car.

"yeah yeah whatever." he says following me inside my house.

ghost and diego come running to me and i let them outside while i run upstairs to my room to get changed. once i've changed i let dean come into my room as i do my hair.

"how many siblings do you have?" he asks me.

"are half siblings included?" i ask.

"any siblings you have because of mike." he says.

"i don't really know. he fucks women all the time. i know i have an older and younger sister and i'm pretty sure i have another older sister from one of his many girls."

"why?" he asks.

"i don't really wanna talk about this dean." i tell him as i finish one braid and starting on the other one. i see him glaring in the mirror.

"lilith i need to know. he's been lying so i would like to know what the fuck is true or not." dean says staring at me.

"should've thought about that before you decided to choke me at the glass shop and constantly remind me about my shitty father." i tell him glaring at him in the mirror.

"you realize i know where you live, where you work, where you go to school, where izzy's mom lives? start talking before i start killing people you love." he says threatening me. i wasn't sure if he was being serious or not but i wouldn't put it passed him to start hurting people.

"when my mom and mike were married he cheated all the time. he was best friends with a guy named chris. chris has a younger sister, sam. mike took an interest in her and they fucked. both of them were married at the time. sam got pregnant with a girl, abby. i only know this because when i was eight sam and mike dated for two years and abby and i looked too identical to not be related." i tell dean and he nods.

"do you think there's more kids?" he asks me and i nod. i finish my second braid and put the pony tail holder in my hair standing up and putting on my shoes.

"mike has quite a few assault charges." dean says.

"yeah." is all i say and he gives me a look.

"explain." he demands.

"he was eighteen and beat up a seventeen year old for talking to my mom. he got charged with a few different things that time. when i was two he hit my mom. when i was six he got charged with assault again because he beat the shit out of one of his girlfriends. when i was nine he got in a bar fight and was charged again. the last one was a year ago, when he hit izzy's mom." i tell dean as i finish tying my shoes. i spray perfume on me and then walk downstairs with dean right behind me. i let in the dogs and then grab my trucks keys.

"don't tell anyone about this." dean says as i lock my back door. he goes to his car and i go to my truck. he leaves first and i follow behind him. i'm probably gonna be late.
a/n: happy late 4th of july. i hope y'all had fun and were safe❤️

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