chapter 17

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a/n: part 2
(thursday, april 25th 2019)
i wake up to my phone going off and hear dean groan. well i guess now i know he's still here.

i sit up and grab my phone from the floor seeing turning off my alarm. i then roll over to look at dean who is now laying on my chest. i smile down at his sleeping state. he looks so peaceful and relaxed.

"dean." i whisper and start playing with his hair.

"mmm." he hums, his grip tightening around me.

"i need to get ready for school." i tell him but he doesn't let go. "dean i have to get up."

"five more minutes." he mumbles, yet to open his eyes or move from his position.

"i'm gonna be late please let me up." i say and start pushing his arms off of me.

"fine." he says letting go of me and opening his eyes. he smiles at me as soon as he opens his eyes. "you're so beautiful."

"thank you giraffe." i say smiling and standing up. "my mom and dev have already left for work if you want to come in." i tell him as i open the door to head back to the house.

i go up to my room and to the closet picking out what i'm going to wear. i grab one of devan's t-shirts from the guest room and start deciding jeans. i feel arms for around my waist and i know it's dean as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"can i have a toothbrush?" he mumbles into my shoulder. i laugh and nod grabbing a pair of jeans off the hanger and throwing the jeans and devan's shirt onto my bed. dean let's go of my waist we go into my bathroom and i give him a toothbrush. "thank you darling."

i kiss his cheek and then we brush our teeth together. as he brushes his teeth he wraps his arms around my waist again putting a lot of his weight onto me. dean's no small guy either so i was struggling to stand. i grab my phone and go to snapchat taking a picture of us.

he closes his eyes with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth positioning himself behind me to cover his bare chest. i frown but take the picture regardless using the phone to block part of my face. after i take the picture and we finish brushing our teeth and i start getting ready for school.

i put my hair up in a bun so i can wash my face. i then apply makeup to my neck so no one would be able to see the marks dean left. i take my hair down and brush it leaving it with its natural waves that i get from my mom. i get changed and throw on a hat then call it a day.

i run downstairs and feed the outside dogs since my mom already fed ghost and deigo.

after they're fed, i go back in the bathroom to find dean brushing his hair and putting it in a man bun. i love his hair. it's not too long but it's long enough to put in a bun and i love it. he looks very attractive with his hair like that.

"you're beautiful." i tell him and kiss his still bare chest. when he stands straight up i'm no where near tall enough to kiss him.

"can i still take you to lunch?" he asks me.

"of course, plans haven't changed." i tell him.

"good." he says and then looks at his probably very expensive watch. "i should get going i have a meeting with my dad. shipments are coming in tomorrow night." he tells me and then wraps his arms around me hugging me. "i'll try to come see you tomorrow if i can. i'll come through the window." he says and then kisses me.

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