chapter 3

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(dean's pov)

i get out of my audi R8 and walk up to my parents front door. i let myself in and see my father yelling at one of his security guards. typical

i knew this guys name was mike and he's been working for my father for a few months. i've never liked him but firing him wasn't my call to make.

"she is your daughter micheal and you will respect her! i don't give a shit what your opinion on her is she is your child!" my dad yells.

what the hell is happening?

"she's nothing but a lying slut! you don't even know her." mike says back to my father. my father doesn't handle disrespect lightly and his fist collides with mike's face. mike falls backwards and my dad kicks mike before calmly walking away.

i walk out of the room and into the kitchen where my little brother, dom, is.

"what's all that about?" i ask him and steal a carrot off his plate.

"mike's daughter is seducing tony tonight and from what i've heard mike says she's a slut but everyone who saw her when they got here says she's very shy and respectful." he informs me.

"dad like her?" i ask him and he nods.

"very much. he said she's very respectful and she's currently getting ready with mom." he tells me.

"why the hell is she with mom!" i yell.

"moms helping her get ready. calm down she wouldn't be around mom if dad didn't trust her." dom says and i sigh sitting down.
as my dad is telling me about tonight i hear my moms voice.

"boys!" my mom says and dom and i instantly turn around. holy shit.

the girl standing next to my mom was no taller than 5'3. she has long brunette hair, blue eyes, and a lip ring but she's absolutely beautiful. her long dark hair is curled and she has on makeup my mother definitely did. the makeup makes her blue eyes look brighter and i couldn't help but stare. she didn't seem to notice as she was staring at dom and i too.

she's wearing a tight black dress and had on heels that make her seem taller than she actually is. dom and i were both in black and white suits like normal.

"lilith this is my youngest dom and oldest dean. they'll both be with you tonight. dean will be leading you through the whole process." my mom says. lilith.

i clear my throat before speaking trying not to show any signs of emotion. i'm working.

"we need to go we're late." i say, my voice was deeper than i meant for it to be and you could easily hear my accent. i disregard all of that and kiss my moms cheek and notice dom doing the same. i then walk out to my audi.

a few seconds later my mom walks lilith to my car and i smirk slightly at the fact that she's riding with me. i instantly quit when she gets in and start the car. all the other guys get into SUV's and dom gets into his mercedes with maya.
"we're going in through the back and into one of the back rooms with some of my men." i tell her once i park the car. she had been quiet the whole ride and very cautious to even move. "the others will be inside and outside the bar just incase. i'll stay in the room the whole time, stay with maya until you catch tony's attention. once you have it dance with him or whatever and take him to the back room i'm in. once he's back there leave and the money will be transferred into your account."

"what are you gonna do?" she says very quietly and i can hear her southern accent. i smirk without realizing it and once i do i quickly stop.

"don't worry about it." i say and get out my phone telling dom we're here and to open the back door. i get out seeing lilith do the same and then stand next to me. i grab her wrist and pull her quickly with me to the back door and into the room.

"stay with her unless you're with tony." i tell her pointing at maya. it came out harsh but i was pissed. she's so beautiful it's actually making me mad.

"come on girl let's enjoy the night before we have to work." maya says to her and grabs her hand. i see the small smile on lilith's face and i give maya a well known look and she nods.

after a few minutes we look out of the room and i see her and maya dancing. the girls catch everyone's attention including tony's. anyone would be stupid not to stare they're both very beautiful girls but i couldn't quite stop staring at lilith.

after 2 songs lilith walks up to the bar and i see tony follow. i clench my jaw hating the fact that he's gonna touch her. i then remember i can still talk to her and i grab the walkie-talkie bluetoothed to her ear piece.

"talk to him for a while don't let it come off as desperate." i tell her. i couldn't see her as desperate but i didn't know how she was. i don't trust her or her dad and if her own father can call her a slut then obviously there's a little truth to it.

as the bartender hands her a beer i watch as the mother fucker places his hand on her back. i grip the doorframe tightly and my knuckles turn white. dom looks at me and smirks and he instantly knows. my little brother seems to know everything without me even telling him.

after a little bit of the fucker having his hands all over her she kisses his jaw and then gives him a sexy as hell smirk and nods to the back room. all of the guys go into the room and we all hide waiting for her.

as she opens the door i see the panick on her face but i knew i couldn't come out just yet. as soon as the door closes i get out from hiding and yank lilith out of tony's grip and into my chest but then push her away and to dom. i then hold my gun to tony's head.

"get her out of here dominic." i say harshly so he knows i'm serious about no harm coming to her.

dom leaves with lilith and i hit tony in the head with the back of my gun and then start punching him. this wasn't apart of what my father instructed me to do but after how he kept touching lilith i had to let out some anger. i punched him until he passed out from the pain and blood lose and then shot him in the head, with a silencer on my gun of course.

"clean this up." i say to my men who are all staring at me in shock. "now!" i yell and they all start getting to work.

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