chapter 35

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(thursday, june 20th 2019)

"you look absolutely beautiful and if anyone looks at you for too long their dead." dean says as he takes my hand to help me out of his car.

"don't be like that. i don't kill every girl that stares at you and glares at me." i tell him wrapping my arm around him.

"girls glare at you? why didn't you tell me?" he asks now grumpy.

"baby that's not important right now." i tell him and lead us to the restaurant.

everyone was already here because we were late but that's expected. i find everyone standing outside the restaurant talking while waiting for us.

"oh my god you look beautiful!" maddie yells and runs up to hug me.

"thank you i've missed you." i say and hug her back.

"happy birthday. who's this?" she asks looking at dean.

"dean." i say smiling.

"i'm maddie nice to meet you." she says and dean nods but doesn't saying anything.

"he's quiet not rude." i tell her and grab dean's hand as we walk to everyone else.

my aunt and mimi hug me and tell me how pretty i am. my uncle hugs me but then goes to dean and starts talking to him. devan and dalton hug me before arguing over who sits by me. ashley, zoë, and my mom hug me and tell me happy birthday.

"you're so grown up and you leave in 2 days." my mom says hugging me again.

"i'll come visit eventually and you can come see me whenever." i tell her.

"i love you, i'm sorry let's go have dinner." my mom says so we all head inside.

they already had our table ready so we all sat down. dalton ended up winning who sits next to me so dev and maddie sit across from me and of course dean's to my other side.

our server comes and takes our drink order and we start looking through the menu.

"what are you getting?" dean asks me.

"a cheeseburger." i tell him and he nods.

"okay i will too." he says.

once the server comes back we all order and he goes to put it in.

"what's up with the cowboy hat?" dalton asks dean.

"lilith." he says trying to hide his smile.

"don't act like that. he said he was fine with it just like his outfit." i tell dalton.

while we wait for our food everyone talks but dean mostly keeps to himself and just plays with my hand. i could tell he was nervous being surrounded by my family but he didn't make it noticeable unless you really paid attention.

"have you started packing?" dev asks.

"nope." i say laughing.

"good cause me neither." he tells me.

"what's the plan for tomorrow?" dalton asks.

"i'm going to pick up the u-haul tomorrow with macie so someone can drive my truck back. we're going to my house to load up the big furniture like couches and my bed then we're going to lilith's to get her stuff." dev tells me.

"so macie?" i say smirking and he smiles.

"she's cute but we're leaving no point in starting anything." he says.

"can i help you guys move?" dean asks.

"yes love." i tell him and he smiles.

"y'all disgust me." dalton says and i kick him.

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