chapter 22

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(saturday, april 27th 2019)
as i pull into the grass i smile as i hear dean's car pull up next to mine.

we're gonna do this.

once we left the gala we went to his house and changed before coming here. it was only midnight so the gala didn't last as long as i thought it would. granted we did leave 2 hours into it.

"are you nervous?" i ask dean as i watch him breathe a little heavy and have a nervous look.

"a little." he admits.

"she's not gonna hate you." i tell him.

"but if she does i know you'll leave me. i don't wanna lose you." he says pulling me close to him as i stare up at him. he leans down and kisses me slowly with his hand placed on my chin.

"i'm not leavin you." i tell him. "the only person that can make me leave you, is you."

"okay. last kiss." he says and kisses me again before i take his hand and lead him inside. i could tell he was still nervous which i found adorable.

my mafia mans nervous to meet my mom.

we walk inside and i see the living room light on but my mom isn't anywhere to be found.

"momma i'm home!" i yell.

"coming!" she yells back and then comes out of the laundry room with a basket of clothes.

"mom this is dean, dean this is my mom, riya." i say introducing them properly this time.

"it's nice to meet you and not in my daughters garage." my mom says hugging him.

"it's nice to meet you too ma'am, i'm really sorry about that." dean says politely.

"i'm just kidding it wasn't a big deal." she says luckily not giving him a hard time about the garage thing.

dean doesn't say much like i expected but is very respectful when he does so i know my mom likes him.
"i love this song!" i say as we're laying in my bed just listening to music.

"then dance with me." dean says standing up offering me his hand. i take it and he spins me around before pulling me close to him.

"and i'm thinkin damn i'd, love to drown in them heartbreaker blue eyes." i sing to dean staring into his blue eyes and he smiles.

"she's somebody's problem and somebody's problem's about to be mine." dean sings back and then he pulls me into a hug as we just sway back and forth.

both the lyrics we sang sound a little personal.

"you're so beautiful." dean whispers to me.

"i know." i say and he laughs quietly kissing my head.

i connect our lips together and he holds me tighter kissing me back before we both pull away.

"it's no secret that i like you. i think it's more than obviously actually and i think you like me back. at least i really hope because...i wanna take you on a date. tonight was kinda a date at the gala and whatever but i wanna take you on an actual one. only if you'd let me of course." he says nervously and i can't quit smiling.

"of course i'll go on a date with you." i tell him.

"how about tomorrow? you work morning shifts right?" he asks me.

"maddie comes back tomorrow and i'm picking her up from the airport at 3." i tell him.

"how about next weekend?" he asks.

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