chapter 5

145 2 0

sunday april 7th 2019

"lily you awake?" i hear izzy's soft voice whisper. i roll over and look at her and she smiles. "nanny still sleeping and i hungry." she tells me.

"mhm." i say closing my eyes again. izzy gets in bed next to me and gets under the covers. i hold onto her and start to go back to sleep but then she starts talking.

"lily i hungry." she whispers in my ear.

"what would you like?" i ask her sitting up and getting out of bed.

"pancakes!" she yells and then i hear her little feet on the hardwood floor running to the kitchen.

i follow her to the kitchen and get out the frozen emoji pancakes from the freezer and put two on a plate and then in the microwave. i get the peanut butter off the shelf and once the pancakes are done i put peanut butter on them and give them to izzy.

"fank you sissy." izzy says before taking a bite. i give her a cup of sunny D and put away the pancakes and peanut butter.

while she eats i get her some clothes to wear and then find me an outfit. i settle on jeans, a cut off tank top, and my boots. i get izzy a simple t-shirt and shorts. i get ready and throw my long brunette hair into a bun. it was already 11 and since no else would do it, i was gonna give izzy a bath before she goes to amanda's tonight.

"i finish." izzy tells me.

"did you clean up?" i ask her and she nods. "alright let's get you a bath than little monster." i say tickling her and she squeals and pushes my hand away.

"shut the fuck up!" mike yells from the living room. so he did make it back.

he has to sleep in the living room on the weekends i was here because there weren't enough rooms at my nana's.

i roll my eyes and pick izzy up carrying her to the bathroom. i run her a bath and wash her before letting her play.

after her being in the bath for about twenty minutes she gets out and dries off and gets dressed. it was around noon now and everyone was finally awake except for mike.

"izzy and i will be leavin around 2." i tell my nana.

"oh why so early?" she asks while she makes food.

"i have plans at 4." i tell her. ever since ashley got ratted out by our cousin for being lesbian, no one talks or asks about her anymore. no one excepts her from mike's side of the family but ashley could care less because she's happy with zoë and has her own life.

"oh well have fun. have you eaten?"

"yeah i ate with izzy this mornin." i lie.

"where's laura?" nanny asks.

"livin room." i say and my nana sighs.

"i asked her to go to the store for me." my nana says upset.

"i'll go what do you need?" i tell her.

"just biscuits for the gravy."

"okay i'll be back soon." i tell her and grab my keys and head to the front door.

"where are you going?" laura asks look up from her phone.

"the store because someone wouldn't. be helpful while i'm gone and do izzy's hair and maybe help nanny with breakfast." i tell her and leave.

i get in my truck and drive up three blocks up to kroger. i get the biscuits for nanny and some candy for izzy. i check out and then leave going back to nanny's.

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