chapter 13

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a/n: the picture above shows the length of dean's hair but the color is a really dark almost black. also this is another 2 part chapter
saturday april 20th, 2019
"i'll be back tonight baby." i tell izzy as i hug her.

"no i come with you." izzy whines tears rolling down her face.

"i'll only be gone an hour or two." i tell her wiping her eye.

"i miss you, don't want be alone." she says laying her head on my chest still crying.

"let me call someone real quick." i tell her rubbing her back. she nods pulling away and wiping her eyes. i stand up from my crouching position, to be eye level with izzy, and pull out my phone calling dean as i walk outside.

"hello?" dean says into the phone.

"hey i know this is risky, really risky but izzy is in tears right now not wanting me to leave and if you're okay with it, could i bring her with me? i'll come up with a lie to tell her about who you are." i ask him.

"oh...yeah that's fine with me." he eventually says.

"you sure?" i ask him to be sure.

"yeah get her out of that house for a bit." he tells me.

"okay thank you, see ya soon." i say.

"of course." he says.

we say bye and then hang up. i go back inside and see izzy sitting on the couch fidgeting with her fingers with slow tears still rolling down her face.

"come on baby. you're coming with me." i tell her and she smiles.

"tank you sissy." she says jumping up to hug me.

"go get on your boots." i tell her and she runs off to get them. she comes back with them on the wrong feet and her jeans are half tucked in and half hanging out. i fix her shoes and pants so her jeans are covering her boots before grabbing her hand and my keys.

thank god laura was asleep or she would be throwing a fit about me taking her with me. my nana didn't care if i took izzy places so laura's opinion on the situation didn't matter to me.
"puppy, sissy, puppy." izzy says pointing at dean and muddy.

i park 2 spots away from dean's audi and get out going around to izzy's side to help her out. i hold her hand and walk up to dean but she gets shy and hides behind me.

"hi love i'm dean." he says crouching down in front of izzy, to be her height. she stays hidden behind my legs, holding onto my hand as tight as she can.

"it's okay baby. i know him we're...friends." i tell her. it felt weird calling dean my friend, i barely knew him.

"i'm scared." izzy whispers to me.

"he wouldn't hurt you baby. i wouldn't let him and if i thought he would then he wouldn't be close to you right now." i tell her and she stares down at her boots.

"i wouldn't hurt you principessa." dean says holding out his large hand to her. (princess.)

"it's pro-pro-nounce-ed princess." she tells dean struggling to say pronounced and he chuckles.

"i know that but i'm bilingual so i speak multiple languages." he tells her as she very slowly places her hand in his. he brings her tiny hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it. izzy giggles and pulls her hand away.

"that tickled!" she says smiling.

"it's nice to meet you." dean says softly.

"can i pet puppy!" izzy asks excitedly, deciding she's over meeting dean.

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