chapter 26

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(monday may 6th, 2019)

i jump as the timer goes off. i was almost asleep fucker.

"at 10 y'all may leave." my teacher says.

it's currently 9:50 so only 10 more minutes.

as soon as my teacher says we can leave i run out of class and to the doors leading to the student parking lot. when i make it outside my phone starts ringing so as i'm trying to run to my truck i'm also trying to answer devan's call.

"yes?" i say as i run between cars.

"are you on your way?" dev asks.

"i just got out of school i'm currently running to my truck but yes i'm on my way." i say as i almost get hit by a mustang.

the the same mustang that almost hit micheal.

"okay be safe." devan says before hanging up. i hop in my truck and she actually starts for once so i make my way out of the parking lot and to dev's house.

while i was at his house for the bonfire yesterday he asked me if i could help him fix the fence. my uncle told him to have it done before he comes back from his trip in a week.
"oww son of a bitch!" devan yells as he holds his hand close to his chest.

"what did you do?" i ask him.

"wire burn." he says looking at his hand. it was red and you can see where the wire got him but he'll be fine.

"well don't do that." i say rolling me eyes. he flips me off before wrapping the metal clamp around the pole and the wire to hold the fence in place.

"not like i meant to." he mumbles.

"how'd the fence break anyway?" i ask him.

"rowdy." he says shaking his head. "damn bull is a pain in my ass."

"is that why he's in the pin?" i ask him.

"yeah fuckers been in there for days." he says.

"the fence was old." i tell dev.

"yes but he didn't have to charge through the fence. now i gotta fix the damn thing and my dads been on my ass about it." he says shaking his head again.

it takes us an hours to get the part of the fence rowdy broke fixed since we had to dig up the bent pole and install the new one before fixing the wiring on the fence. we now are replacing the rest of the old fence so he can't break it again.

we start on the non-broken, old part of the fence but after hours in the hot sun we head inside.

"i'm gonna pass out." devan says laying on the couch. i go into the kitchen and grab us waters before heading into the living room. i sit on the other couch and pull out my phone drinking my water.

dean🖤: my dad needs to go over your schedule so can you come to the office

me: right now

dean🖤: if your not busy now is good or we can wait until you're free

me: now is good i'll head over there

dean🖤: be safe and let me know when you're here

me: i will

"i think i'm gonna head home now." i tell devan.

"okay be safe." he says as he hugs me. i hug him back before leaving and heading towards downtown.

once i make it to the matteo's office building i text dean i'm here and he heads downstairs to get me.

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