chapter 27

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(friday may 10th 2019)

"it's been a while." i say to bailey as i sit down.

"i have so much to tell you." i say thinking of what to start off with. "mikes gone! he was involved in some things and died. i also have a new job and my first day is tonight. oh! i met someone. his names dean, he's 22, and he's amazin. you'd love him. he keeps to himself most of the time but around me he talks so much. he's who mike got involved with. he protected me from mike. he's also italian and i love his accent."

"i have another dog! shocker i know. his names muddy and he's mine and dean's child. dean bought me a dino stuffed animal like the matchin ones we have. i named him worm and he wears your sweater. also since mikes gone i'm thinkin about fixin up his old dodge. you always loved that truck regardless of the owner and condition it's in...i miss you B. i graduation soon. ashley's doin good. she works in franklin and does hair. i'm sorry she doesn't come see you, it's hard. really hard." i say as tears roll down my face.

"you were supposed to be here. you promised you'd marry ashley. i wanted you as my brother B. i love zoë of course. she's amazin but i would do anything for you to be here. everyone misses you so much. your little brothers just like you, he won 4th in state just like you did. he wrestles just like you. he has big ears like you too." i say and smile.

"i leave for LA june 22nd. i promise to come see you before i leave. i love you." i say and kiss his gravestone. i then slowly walk back to my truck still crying.

once i'm in my truck and have calmed down i head towards the matteo's training base that hudson gave me the address for.

me: i'm here

dean🖤: i'm coming outside

i then see the door open and my very beautiful man walk out the door. i smile and walk up to him and hug him.

"hi." i say into his chest.

"hi- are you okay?" he asks pushing my hair behind my ear.

"yes...i went to see bailey. i'm okay though." i tell him nodding and he gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead.

"you're so strong baby. i'm so proud of you." he says.

"thank you giraffe." i say smiling.

"ready to meet the recruits?" he asks and i nod. "there's only ten of them so nothing too much."

"i'm excited!" i say and wrap my arms around him as we walk inside.

when we enter the building we're in a room with a few boys no older than me. there all watching TV and talking on the couches.

dean and i walk to a room off the front room and we're in the training room. there's a shooting range, knife throwing, a boxing ring, and a gym.

"today you'll just watch while i help the recruits with shooting. there's three stations knives, combat, and shooting. the recruits are split into groups and go to each station for ten minutes. once they've gone through all three stations twice then they go work out until 6:45 and then they can leave. training starts at 5 every friday. if a recruit is doing poorly you will have to stay later to help them but most of the time shooting is the easiest." he tells me.

"okay this seems simple." i tell him and he nods.

"you'll only ever be working with axel and bullet. axel does knives and bullet trains them in combat. if, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable or a recruit upsets you, you tell bullet or axel and call me immediately. i'm not fucking around with this." he tells me as he places his hand on my cheek and kisses me.

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