chapter 23

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(sunday, april 28th 2019)

i wake up to soft snoring in my ear and instantly smile knowing it's dean. i try to sit up but his 6 foot something 200+ pound of straight muscle self is laying right on top of me.

i manage to grab my phone and see a text from my mom saying she got called in to work. i sigh and put my phone back down and wrap my arms around dean holding him as he sleeps. we were supposed to have breakfast together.

i hold dean until his phone starts ringing. i grab his phone, which is next to mine, and see that it's dom. would he be mad if i answered?

my hand works faster than my brain could and i had already answered the phone.

"hello." i say.

"who is this?" dom says with an attitude.

"lilith." i tell him.

"oh hi babes! sorry about that, how are you?" he says loudly.

"i'm good how are you?" i ask him.

"i'm doing great now where's dean?" he asks me.

"he's asleep right now." i tell him.

"when pussy whipped wakes up tell him to call me please." dom says.

"okay i will." i say and after our goodbyes i hang up.

i guess i was being a little too loud and woke dean up because he sits up and glares when he sees i have his phone.

"what are you doing?" he asks grabbing his phone.

"dom called but you were asleep. i only answered because i know him." i tell dean.

"don't be answering my phone. even if it's dom or my parents, don't answer." he says.

"i'm sorry." i say and he sighs shaking his head.

"no it's okay." he says sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "i'm sorry i got upset."

"no i get it, i invaded your privacy. you have a right to be upset." i tell him.

"not with you. if i want to be in a relationship with you then i'm not gonna have privacy." he says.

"yes you are. why wouldn't you?" i ask him confused and decide to ignore the whole relationship thing he mentioned.

"because not telling you something means i'm hiding stuff." he says.

"no it don't. it's called havin boundaries and that's a good thing. you're not an open person and i don't expect you to change." i tell him.

"what if i want to tell you everything?" he asks and pulls me to him.

"you can tell me anything you want but never feel obligated to." i tell him and kiss his cheek.

"i love your mindset." he says kissing my forehead.

"thanks it comes with the trauma." i say jokingly and he just smiles shaking his head.

"you're something else." he says.

"are you hungry? we didn't even eat dinner last night. oh and dom said to call him back too." i tell him putting my hand on his stomach.

"yeah i can eat." he says and then pulls me into his lap. "are you okay?" he asks.

"yes are you?" i ask him as i kiss his neck.

"yes now don't make anymore marks there is enough." he says pushing my head away from his neck.

"i like them." i tell him and he smiles.

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