chapter 11

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a/n: another chapter split into 2 parts.
friday april 19th 2019
as micheal and i fight over the computer in mechanics my phone starts to ding repeatedly. i try to ignore it and focus on getting my computer back from micheal, that he has currently stole to copy my answer.

"micheal!" i yell when he pushes me back and i fall out of my seat.

"sorry darlin." he says and smirks. we might technically live in the suburbs but we both have southern accents. i roll my eyes and throw his backpack across the classroom.

"sorry darlin." i say back smirking.

"that my rodeo bag!" he yells throwing my laptop on the desk and running to his bag. he got his backpack as merchandise at a rodeo and it's been his favorite thing since he got it.

i grab my laptop and put it back in my lap continuing to fill out the worksheet. we're supposed to watch a video and then answer questions about it, but micheal and i already know the answers we just don't want to do the assignment.

"i done lost my keys." micheal says dumping his bag into the table.

"well what'd ya do with'em?" i ask him.

"they were just in my pocket." he says and start digging in his pocket. he pulls out a bunch of random dollar bills, some change, a few old receipts, and a zip tie. "that's where that went! ya little shit. i was lookin for you!"

i ignore his stupidity and pick up my phone checking my notifications.

?: 2211 Old Natchez Trce, Franklin TN 37069

?: it's dean

i add dean to my contacts and then start to reply but he texts me again.

dean😐: i don't appreciate that guy pushing you out of your seat.

i look around and notice a guy behind micheal and i and as i look at him he nods at me. i flip him off. snitch.

me: stalker

dean😐: protective

me: why?
me: what time?

dean😐: 7 i'll explain the plan tonight and i'll pay you 5k

why didn't he answer the first question?

"found'em!" micheal says holding up his truck keys. i put my phone down and he puts the keys back in his pocket, leaving a key chain that says 'nuckin futs' on it hanging out.

"where we they?" i ask him.

"the ground, it stole'em!" he says. "do this."

"do your own work." i tell him pushing his computer back to him.

"i don't wanna." he says.

"mr. barnes i'm about to send you to the hallway if you don't be quiet." my teacher tells micheal.

"i lost my car keys!" micheal says not getting any quieter. "can you believe the floor took'em?"

"well you found them now so be quiet this is independent work." my teacher tells us.

"i'm just askin for help." he says and then flicks his hat. "number 2 is A right?" he asks me.

"it's not even multiple choice." i say laughing and put my head in my hands.

"i plead the fifth." he then says.

i roll my eyes trying not to laugh and make the teacher even more mad. he doesn't like micheal too much because micheal knows a lot about trucks and tries to always prove him wrong.

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