chapter 2

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(17 year old lilith, friday april 5th 2019)

us three working together didn't last long. devan didn't like the drive and started working at a restaurant closer to his house and dalton couldn't deal with the people and started working at walmart with his step dad.

i currently had just gotten off work. i had to close tonight so it's passed 10pm and since it was mike's weekend i had to drive from mount juliet all the way to east nashville. i was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. luckily by the time i got to my nana's house in east nashville mike should be leaving for his security job. he works 9-5 on weekdays and 9-12 on saturday's at a family own glass business and then he worked security for some bar on the weekends.

i get in my truck and start playing music driving out of red robin's parking lot. normally i don't take the interstate so it takes longer to get to my nana's but for how tired i was i decided to take it so i could get to sleep faster.

33 minutes later i was pulling into my nana's driveway and turning off my truck. i hurry and get out of the truck and grab my bag from the passenger seat. the part of east nashville my nana's at isn't the safest. i go up to the front door and notice my nana had turned on the front porch light for me which i was thankful for. i unlock the door and enter surprised to see her and my little sister still awake.

"lily!" izzy, my 2 year old little sister, screams running to me. she can't pronounce lilith so she's called me lily since she started talking. i only see her every other weekend so the times i do see her i'm thankful for.

"izzy." i say hugging her back. "how was your day?"

"i got colorful clay!" she tells me all excited running to her clay to show me.

"yeah i see. that's really cool." i tell her putting my bag down and hugging my nana.

"hi honey. how was work?" she asks me. m

"it was okay i'm just exhausted."

"i'm sorry you're tired." my nana says giving me a sad smile and unmuting her show. she's always muted the tv when she has a conversation with someone. she says it is respectful.

"is laura here?" i ask. laura is my aunt and we don't exactly get along but she's moved back in with my nana since her husband died.

"she sleep!" izzy answers me.

"and why aren't you asleep?" i ask going over to the couch where she's sitting and start tickling her. she screams and pushes my hands off of her.

"i not tired. did you know adley went inside a v-volcano?" izzy asks me randomly and i nod.

adley is her favorite youtuber. her channel is called 'a for adley' and she's talking about the recent video where shaun, adley's dad, set up a fake volcano playhouse and let adley and her brother nico play in it. i only knew this because i follow shaun on instagram and he posted about it. i always try to stay up to date with there family so when izzy talks about them i understand what she's talking about. "how?"

"because i checked shaun's instagram silly." i tell her.

"come on lilith we're going somewhere." i hear mike's voice say and i roll my eyes. izzy on the other hand jumps off the couch and runs to mike though.

"daddy!" she says hugging his legs.

"bye." he says sounding bored but she just smiles. he tells my nana bye and then looks at me. "go get in the truck." this was the nicest mike was gonna be and he's only like this so his mom doesn't scold him. he's a complete mama's boy yet he treats women terribly.

i look at my nana and she gives me another sad smile. she knows how he treats me but does nothing about it. i sigh and put my backpack down and walk outside to the truck.

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