chapter 19

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(deans pov, friday, april 26th 2019)

i couldn't help but smile as i watch my beautiful girl sleep on my chest. she looks so peaceful and stress free asleep. i know i need to leave before we get caught and i get her in trouble but i couldn't bring myself to get up.

i don't want to leave her i just got her back. what if when i move it wakes her up? she deserves sleep and i know she never gets it.

i kiss her forehead and she smiles in her sleep moving closer to me. she has her tan leg over mine as i run my hand up and down her thigh while her arm is laying on my chest and her head is on my heart. my other hand is resting on her bare back from where i pulled up her shirt and was rubbing her back to relax her.

my beautiful girl.

i'm dragged out of my thoughts as i hear someone walking in the hallway. i very quickly get up but slow enough to where i don't wake my princess up.

i throw on my partially wet shirt before grabbing my shoes and jeans that were hanging up in her room to dry.

i climb out her bedroom window and as i'm about to close the window i see her bedroom door open. i lay down immediately outside her window on the roof being as quiet as possible.

"lilith." i hear devan say.

you're gonna wake her up fucker.

after he doesn't get a response he closes the door and probably heads back to his room. i let out a sigh relieved he didn't wake her up or see me.

i put on my shoes and climb off her roof, onto the porch and then just walk down the front steps heading to the driveway.

it was no longer raining just a few sprinkles here and there but it didn't bother me. i couldn't quit smiling thinking about lilith.

i reach my car and instantly pull out my wallet getting the pictures of us out. i stare down at them smiling more.

i really do care about this girl whether i want to or not. we've both been through a lot but she makes me forget about everything and feel normal. i put the picture of our tongues together by my speedometer. she's my reason not to speed anymore.

i start my car and start driving home. dom better not still be at my house.

when i pull in my driveway i see my brothers mercedes in my driveway still. i sigh knowing he's gonna question what happened and want- no demand, answers.

i walk up my front steps and open my front door putting my keys and wallet on the table next to the door. i close it and nova and muddy come running up to me and i pet them as i walk to the kitchen.

"dom!" i yell trying to find him.

i get no response.

this fucker.

i look around the downstairs for him and don't find him anywhere so i head upstairs. i look everywhere but my bedroom. he knows i hate people in my room, that's my own space.

i open my bedroom door and sure enough my little brother is laying in my bed passed out.

i walk up to his bitch ass and grab his ankle yanking him out of my bed.

"fucker!" dom yells as he wakes up and collides with my floor.

"get the fuck out of my room." i tell him and his whole attitude changes.

"oooh someone got rejected." he says teasingly and i glare.

"no lilith and i are fine, who isn't about to be fine is you if you don't get the hell out! no ones allowed in my room." i tell him and he smirks.

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