chapter 16

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a/n: there's 2 parts to this chapter
(thursday, april 25th 2019)
"put this on." dean says giving me a bullet proof vest that was in his frunk. yes frunk, front trunk.

i put it on while he does the same. i then look at the house. i watched mike beat people in this house, watched a psychopath set it on fire, be slammed into the wall, watched kids i cared about be beaten and thrown down the stairs. i am absolutely terrified now.

i look at the 2 suv's that came with us. they both had 5 men in both of them and i see dom amongst the crowd but he drove himself in his mercedes. they all were putting on bulletproof vests and grabbing guns while i just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"i would prefer for you to stay outside but i legally can't tell you what to do like i can them so please just be safe and stay with dom." he says and kisses my forehead.

"okay, i'm comin in but i'll stay out of the way." i tell him and he nods. "i know where a key is to get in."

dom and i then go get the spare key. i walk down the driveway to the back of the house where mike's old high school truck is parked. it's been broke down for years and just sits here. i open the truck door and then flip down the sun viser and the key falls out. i pick it up and close the truck door handing the key to dom.

dom and i walk back to dean and he has already separated his men and got them covering the exits and different sides of the house.

"he'll probably be in his old bedroom which is by the front door but this key only goes to the back door." i tell dean.

we all go up the back steps and onto the screened in porch. i look around the screened in porch and see cigarettes out here.

"dom." i whisper because dean mentioned needing to be quiet. "he smokes."

dom nods and looks back at dean who is entering the house first with a few of his men with flashlights and guns. from the back door you enter into the living room. i point right and dean sees going right, into the kitchen. he then heads towards the front door and mike's old bedroom.

the other guys go check the hallway where all the other rooms are. dom and i follow those guys and go into my old room.

i quickly grab a backpack and throw bailey's celina hat, he gave me before he passed, in there along with some pictures and other things. i then hand dom my pops tool box i got after he passed.

i practically run to izzy's room as i hear stuff being thrown and a bunch of noise coming from upstairs. mike is definitely here.

izzy's room was pathetic. a toddler mattress on the floor with only a small blanket and then she had a few barbies and a stuffed animal on the ground and that was it.

i throw izzy's baby book amanda had made in the bag and some of her baby stuff amanda will want.

when we left i wasn't able to grab much of anything so all of our stuff is still here and when amanda left, mike wouldn't let her get izzy's baby stuff. mike did the same thing to my mom when she left him so all my baby stuff  used to be here but ashley took it when she moved out.

a gunshot then goes off and i freeze. i could hear all the guys moving around and someone groaning in pain.

"come on we're leaving." dom says and grabs my vest pulling me out of the house. i had never seen him so serious before but i don't say anything.

he pulls me down the back steps and to dean's audi. he opens the door and i get in. he then puts the tool box in the front while i hold onto my backpack for dear life. dom locks all the doors before closing the door and running in with his gun in hand. so much for me helping.

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