chapter 9

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a/n: part 2

(thursday april 18th 2019)
i was nervous as i sit in the chair across from hudson's desk. i knew the man was sweet the last time i was here but i wasn't sure if he would act differently because of the situation. i stay quiet as dean explains everything that happened not wanting to be annoying.

"well clearly both of you are okay." he says, more like asks and we both nod. "is your car okay?" he then asks and dean nods. "i'll have this handled. lilith you being with dean tonight and issac's men seeing you wasn't safe. they'll figure out who you are by tomorrow at least. this puts you and everyone you associate with in danger. no one can know about this. do you understand?" he asks me.

"yes sir." i tell him.

"good. i'll arrange for some of my men to watch over you. you might not like being followed but i'm not risking your life over you being in the wrong place with my son."

"thank you." i tell him.

"now how did you two end up together tonight anyways?" hudson asks looking from me to dean.

"oh my god dad! men are fuckin pigs i swear!" dean starts and hudson nods in agreement. "we both happened to be at a bar and some guy either had the intention to hurt lilith or force himself on her so i handled it. he's not dead but he sure as hell should be. lilith wanted to leave so i offered to take her home." dean says with the anger from earlier back now.

"i'm glad you're okay dear." hudson tells me.

"thank you." i tell him appreciating that he cares. i also appreciated that he raised dean right and knows that no means no.

"get her home dean security will be right behind yall." hudson says and dean nods.

dean and i leave hudson's office and tell adalyn bye before going to dean's audi. he opens the door for me and i get in before he goes around to the drivers side.

we stay quiet for most of the car ride and i think about how he almost kissed me. i have kissed people before without feelings but with dean it felt too wrong to allow.

we turn onto my road and i remember how loud dean's car is and how i snuck out. "i snuck out so don't pull up my driveway."

it was times like this i was thankful for having a long driveway and living on seven acres of land. that wasn't much compared to devan who lives in the middle of no where with twenty six acres but i was happy for the little bit we have. it was better than my nana's house which had a front and back yard but they weren't that big.

"do you do that often?" he asks me.

"no and not normally to go to a bar either." i say quietly.

"why were you at that bar?" dean asks.

"dalton wanted to go out." i tell him and he nods.

"dalton doesn't seem like a good influence." dean says jokingly and smirks.

"that's devan." i tell him. we get to my house and he stops the car turning it off.

"after everything that's happened tonight i completely understand if you never want to see me or my family again. i hope you do though because my mom really likes you and i think would enjoy you hanging around us. my dad was impressed that you actually shot and hit a moving car and said he would pay you well. that's if you take up my offer." dean says.

"what's the offer?" i ask him already thinking i know what he's gonna ask.

"for you to work for us. you won't ever have to kill anyone and we only hurt people who genuinely deserve it. when needed you would seduce people but you would mostly be training recruits to shoot. think about it and let me know. the text said he'll give you as long as you want to decide." dean says.

"so i'm not doing the killing but i'm training the killer." i tell him.

"i guess if that's how you want to look at it." he says shrugging.

"i'll think about it." i tell him. this is exactly what i thought he would ask and it scared me because now i had to decide how i wanted this to go. make a shit ton of money but deal with guilt and lying or work my ass off barley making minimum wage and still not being able to afford the bills.

"i'll walk you to your house." he says getting out of the car. he's being sweet now but he was a dick earlier. make it make sense dean!

i get out after him and we walk up my driveway in peaceful silence. it was now 1:30am but i could careless.

"thank you for the ride home...and everything else." i finally say as we stop next to my house.

"don't thank me the ride is the least i could do after tonight. be safe. my dad and i finished arranging you security, they'll be here soon. while they get here i'll stay here in my car to make sure you're safe. this won't be over for a while. isaac won't stop so don't be surprised if my men start hanging around you at school." dean tells me.

"they go to my school?" i ask him.

"some and i'm getting more to transfer. know who ryder collins is?" he asks me and i nod.

"he's in my third and forth period and i got lunch with him." i tell dean.

"good he's the main one that will hang out with you." dean says.

"okay, wear longer shirts." i tell him and smile.

"will do, goodnight" dean says smiling.

"goodnight mafia man." i say smiling.

i hear him laugh as i start walking towards my porch, his laughs absolutely beautiful when genuine. i get on my porch and climb up on the fence, holding onto the pole, and then grab the roof and pull myself up. i turn to see if dean's still here and he's just watching me as i climb up my house. i wave and then open my window climbing through it. tonight has been long and exhausting.

how the fuck is this my life?

well i got a shitty father involved with a mafia so things weren't ever gonna be easy.

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