chapter 21

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a/n: there's 2 parts to this chapter.
(saturday, april 27th 2019)
as i put on the beautiful dress, my boots, and my cowboy hat i look at myself in the mirror and nerves wash over me.

what if something goes wrong?

or what if dean's friends don't like me?

i think adalyn noticed my worrying because she dismissed the hair and makeup artist for a minute.

"you know you don't have to do this dear." she tells me, coming up behind me and hugging me.

"no i want to i'm just a little nervous." i tell her.

"you look beautiful. everyone is going to love you, all you have to do is walk with confidence and smile." she tells me. i look at myself in the mirror one more time.

"okay i'm ready." i tell her.

"alright let's go, the guys are waiting." she says wrapping her arm with mine. we walk down the hallway with our arms linked and to the stairs.

"holy shit." dean mumbles when he sees us.

"language!" both of his parents yell but he ignores them and walks up to me.

"you're so beautiful." he says and takes my hat off my head and kisses me gently. he then pulls away and places the hat back on my head.

"thank you, you look amazing." i tell him smiling. he's in a suit.

"i don't really want to leave anymore." he whispers to me.

"shut up dean." i say hitting his chest and he smirks.

"are you ready to go?" he asks me.

"yep. do you still have my phone?" i ask him and he nods grabbing it from his pocket.

"you're gonna hate this but we're taking my lamborghini." he tells me.

"it's fine." i tell him. "wait can i drive?"

"you want to drive?" he asks grabbing the keys that are by the front door.

"yep." i say.

"pussy whipped!" dom yells, who i didn't even know was in the room.

dean gives him the middle finger and adalyn scolds them both to get along.

dean and i walk outside to his lamborghini and he opens the driver door for me. i get in and adjust the seat and mirrors so i would be comfortable.

"i can't believe i'm letting you drive." dean says once he's in.

"this might be a good time to ask how i start the car." i ask him.

"push this." he says pointing to a button covered by a red flap.

i put my foot on the break, flip the red flap up, and click the button causing the engine roars to life.

i put it in reverse and back out of the garage before flying down the long driveway. dean places his hand on my thigh and we ride in peaceful silence.
"where am i goin?" i ask him as i'm trying to find the valet parking he was talking about.

"see where that ferrari is?" he asks point. "go over there."

i drive over to the ferrari and two guys in suits open mine and dean's doors. dean throws the guy the keys and he gets in the car going to park it somewhere. dean wraps his arm around me and we walk up the steps into the building.

i had no clue where we are. this building is huge with a bunch of hallways but dean seem's to know as he leads us down the long hallway.

we get to a small room and adalyn, hudson, dom, and dom's date, marie, are already in here.

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