chapter 34

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(thursday, june 20th 2019)

i wake up snuggled into dean's bare chest with his arms tightly wrapped around me. i look up at him and smile. he makes me so happy.

i kiss his chin and then his chest before i lay my head back down against him.

"good morning amore." he mumbles with his eyes still close.

"good morning baby." i say smiling.

he kisses my forehead and tightens his grip on me even more.

"we have to get up." he tells me.

"no, why?" i ask.

"because i have a day planned and we have to be somewhere and it's already 10." he tells me.

"where?" i ask cuddling into his chest.

"it's a surprise so let's go get ready." he says and his hand hits my ass.

"dean!" i yell hitting his chest.

"sorry baby." he says smiling and massaging my ass.

"leave me alone." i say pushing his hands off of me.

"no." he grabs me and pulls me close to him and kisses my forehead.

"you're mean." i tell him.

"whatever lets go get ready." we get out of bed and i head to the bathroom to shower while he goes to the closet to pick out what to wear.

once i've finished showering he gets in and i go to the closet and get dressed. i then go brush my teeth and hair.

i set up my phone hidden behind all the random things we have all over the bathroom counter and i start on my hair while i wait for him to get out of the shower.

once he's out he gets changed in the closet while i try to focus on my hair but him being shirtless and in jeans with a belt is quite attractive. i'll have to blur his body in the video.

"you're hot too." he says smirking and watching me as i blow dry my hair.

i turn the blow dryer around so the hot air hits him and he moves out of the way from it since he hates air being blown in his face.

"quit!" he yells looking very uncomfortable.

"you quit bein annoyin." i tell him and turn off the blow dryer.

"you're the one staring." he says wrapping his arms around me.

"you're the one that looks like a greek god." i tell him rolling my eyes.

he then grabs my chin and turns my face around to him and slams his lips against mine roughly. my back hit the bathroom counter as i wrap my arms around him and kiss him back.

"don't roll your fucking eyes at me." he says seriously but i ignore him and kiss him again.

"i love you." i tell him as i lean my weight against him.

"i love you baby." he says holding me.

"im sorry i blew the hair dryer at you." i mumble.

"it's fine but i hate hot air in my face so don't do it." he says and i nod.

i grab my phone and quit recording and he rolls his eyes.

"i hate this tiktok series." he tells me.

"i know, what are we doin? should i bring my outfit for tonight?" i ask him.

"no we'll come back here so you'll have time to get ready for dinner." he says.

"okay is a dress too much?" i ask him.

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