chapter 30

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a/n: the dress above is lilith's graduation dress

(saturday, may 25th 2019)

i had graduated. i did it and i was so happy but now i'm just nervous.

dean came to my graduation and obviously so did my family so now i'm introducing him to them, more specifically my uncle. i had texted him after the ceremony where i was and he's walking over here now.

when i see him i almost forget how to breath. he's so beautiful. i smile and walk over to him and hug him. he kisses my head and i can feel eyes on us already.

"ready?" i ask him.

"yeah." he says smiling and i grab his hand lacing my fingers through his.

"who is this?" my uncle asks immediately once i've walked back over with dean.

"he's good dad. i met him a few days ago." dev says and i was thankful for it. i see dean and dev nod at each other and i smile. i was happy they got along.

"dean, i want you to meet him." i say and my uncle nods looking dean up and down his face emotionless.

"boyfriend? i'm dylan." my uncle says and offers his hand to dean and dean offers his.

"no sir, i wish though." dean says smiling my uncle just nods.

"tell me about yourself son." my uncle crosses his arms look at dean.

"i'm the oldest with a younger brother, i'm original from italy-"

"italy wow." my aunt says.

"this is my aunt jenn, she's dev's mom." i tell dean.

"it's nice to meet you." he says with a smile.

"you too." my aunt says.

"continue with what you were saying." my uncle says not taking his eyes off of dean.

"i grew up in italy before my mom wanted to move here. we moved around a bit before my mom fell in love with tennessee and now we're here to stay. i can speak fluent italian along with english. my family owns a business i'll be taking over next month." dean says and i can feel how nervous he is just from holding his hand.

"how old are you?" my uncle asks.

"22 sir." dean says.

"22! you're not even 18 yet lilith." my uncle says looking at me.

"dylan calm down he's sweet." my mom says but my uncle doesn't seem to care.

"you approve of this?" my uncle asks my mom.

"yes i do. give him a chance he's good to her." my mom says and my uncle sighs.

"he's amazing uncle D. he never lets me open a door, when i'm upset he fixes it right away, he doesn't judge me for liking trucks and doesn't complain about my friends being guys, he pays attention to every little thing i say, he doesn't get upset when i'm busy and can't see him, he's met izzy and is great with her. give him a chance." i tell him and he nods.

"you better treat her right. she's not just gonna be some girl you fuck and leave. she's my niece but like my daughter and she's been through shit and you're not about to make it worse. you hurt her or lay a finger on her and we're gonna have a huge problem you understand me son?" my uncle asks.

"yes sir." dean says nodding.

"good now that we're clear this doesn't mean i like you. you have to prove yourself to me first." my uncle tells dean.

"yes sir." dean says again and my uncle nods before walking off.

"he's protective but he means well." i tell dean.

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