chapter 28

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a/n: the picture above is NOT how devan and dalton look but the outfits are what they wear.

(wednesday may 22nd, 2019)

i graduate on saturday and i'm so not ready.

dev, dalton, micheal, and i are all out shopping right now for something to wear to graduation. i found some cute dresses but none of them fit me properly so i was stuck.

only micheal and i were graduating but since dev and dalton are going they still needed outfits too.

devan bought a black casual shirt and decided to just wear jeans, boots, a belt, and a cowboy hat that he already has. dalton bought a flannel and was also gonna wear jeans and boots. since micheal is actually graduating he bought a navy blue suit and is wearing a belt and boots.

i continue to shop around and drag the boys with me trying to find something. we go to three different stores before i find a dress. it was a white, short dress that would go good with my boots so i get it and then since the guys are hungry we go to lunch.

"who the fuck-" devan starts and then glares at me.

"what?" i ask confused and he turns his phone around and it's dean and i's tiktok. i posted that like a month ago.

"he's just a friend." i tell devan.

"friend my ass. he's staring at your ass." he says still glaring.

"what!" dalton and micheal both say and watch our tiktok.

"he could at least have some decencies to not look." micheal says.

"you can't say anything." i say to micheal glaring at him.

"he don't seem that bad y'all." dalton says shrugging.

"thank you." i say to him.

"what did she mean by that micheal?" devan asks now glaring at him. his over protectiveness is showing.

"i-i don't know." he says shrugging so dev looks at me.

"when micheal and i dated he used to constantly grab me even when i didn't want him to." i say looking at micheal. if he's gonna say shit about dean then im gonna tell devan what he did.

"you never told me you had a problem with it." he says defending himself.

"yes i did! i would constantly push you off of me and you continued to do it, you never even asked if i wanted you to touch me." i say and he rolls his eyes.

"so that guy asked then huh?" he asks.

"yes before he ever does anything he asks. if i had a problem with dean doin it then he wouldn't. so you have no room to talk about decency." i say to him and he glares at me.

"don't fucking glare at her like she's in the wrong you piece of shit." devan says and grabs micheal by his shirt jerking him up to stand. devan towers over micheal and glares at him.

"ever touch her again and you won't have a finger unbroken. you know the shit she's gone through and i will be damned if she goes through that again." devan says and then punches micheal across the face and lets go of him so he falls to the ground.

micheal looks at devan and then at me as he holds his cheek.

"i hope you're fuckin happy." micheal says looking at me.

"i am. dean is 100 times more of a man then you'll ever be." i tell him and he stands up and leaves the restaurant as everyone stares at us. 

"i wanna meet him." devan says sitting back down next to me.

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