chapter 31

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(sunday, june 2nd 2019)

it had been a week since i graduated and i've spent everyday with dean. regardless of that tonight dean said was supposed to be our date night but work has kept him busy.

a few nights ago we were out driving around and issac's men started firing at us. dean told me it was typical issac behavior, try to hurt him or his family and then disappear for a bit before doing it again. we were fine and made it home safely but dean was not having it.

ever since that night he's had his men looking for issac and they finally found him so today he was going to kill him.

nervous was an understatement for how i was feeling but i know dean is the heir to a mafia and this stuff is normal for him.

"please be safe." i say as i hug him.

"i will amore mio." he says and kisses me.

"make it home to me in one piece please." i say and he nods.

"i'll be fine. i'll see you later on tonight." he says and kisses my forehead.

"you better giraffe." i say smiling. he shakes his head and walks over to his guys talking to them while i head upstairs.

i decided that going to see bailey would help me take my mind off of things so i get changed.

"diesel!" i yell trying to find my bodyguard in dean's huge house.

"yes ms. lucifer?" he asks walking up to me.

"is it okay if we go somewhere for a bit?" i ask and he nods.

i grab my truck keys off the rack by the front door and diesel grabs the suv keys that are right by mine.
"i love him." i tell bailey as i sit in front of him.

"obviously i'm talking about dean. i only realized about a week ago but we have been basically datin for a while. how could i not though he's amazing. uncle D met him at graduation. he didn't disapprove, dean just has to prove himself. he makes our relationship simple and it's nontoxic." i tell bailey just smiling.

"dean has his shit together, isn't insecure about me havin guy friends, he doesn't complain about my hyperness but instead matches it, he's clingy and gets grumpy without my attention, he's just perfect." i say.

"i'll bring dean here to meet you sometime. he's workin right now or he would be here. i wish you would have met him. my new jobs goin good. i help people practice shootin and it's so much fun! the guys i work with are fun to be around and make the job entertainin." i say trying to think about something else to tell him.

"i bought a mini dirt bike and constantly ride it through dean's house. he doesn't complain even though i've ran into the wall a few times and ran over his foot. he never gets mad at me and when he is irritated we talk about it, for the most part. we had a little accident a few weeks ago but other than that our relationships been good. i'm just a little worried because i leave for LA in 20 days." i tell him and look at my phone to check the time.

it's been two hours since dean left and i miss him. i just wanted him home and safe with me as i get lost in my thoughts dom's name pops up on my phone and i answer his call.

"lilith! dean's been shot! we're heading to my parents now-"

"what!" i say standing up and running to my truck.

"i-i don't know what happened. dean saw issac and went after him and issac's men were able to hit him. he killed issac but then passed out and that's when we notice he was hit!" dom says and i feel tears roll down my face as i drive as fast as i can.

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